In Memoriam: Nigel Dobbyn

We at The Sonic Stadium are deeply saddened to hear that Sonic the Comic artist Nigel Dobbyn has died.

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Sonic The Comic 25th Anniversary Event Announced

Sonic the Comic, the UK fortnightly comic that ran from 1993 and continues in web form as Sonic the Comic – Online to this day turns 25 years old this year, and fans are planning a celebration of that milestone.

Sonic the Comic Online Editor Mike Corker is hoping to see the event come to life pending a successful Kickstarter campaign in the form of a day-long celebration of the comic and everything that made it memorable to fans 25 years after it’s creation. Fans will have the opportunity to meet special guests, including the fan artists who continue the comics legacy, with backer perks including a T-Shirt with artwork designed by Richard Elson to commemorate the event.

The event will be held on June 3rd 2018 at the FAB cafe in Manchester.

With a modest goal of £1000, the Kickstarter is currently at just under £400, with funds contributing to venue and equipment hire and special guest costs.

Source: Kickstarter

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20 Years of Sonic the Comic

STCp1Twenty years ago, many veteran fans amongst the community will probably remember racing to their local newsagents in order to grab the first issue of Sonic the Comic for the paltry price of 95 pence, and thumbing excitedly through the first pages of Sonic and SEGA-themed strips. In the many years that followed, fans saw the publication of 223 issues, 9 poster magazines and several special one-offs across nearly a decade of production.

The comic was renowned for its well-pitched storylines that appealed to both the younger and older audiences, for expanding the Sonic universe beyond the canon of the game and introducing several original characters; some of whom suffered a grisly demise (poor old Johnny Lightfoot!). For the majority of issues, the comic was presented by Megadroid, a robot reminiscent of a SEGA Megadrive (and later a SEGA Saturn), who took to naming the readers “Boomers” (and the writers “Humes” – short for “Humans”). As well as the Sonic-themed strips, the comic included a whole host of stories from SEGA titles such as Golden Axe, Decap Attack and Streets of Rage, as well as features and reviews on games, as well as fan art and mail; many fan-works featured were created by many of those who have remained fans to this day! Indeed, the publication garnered many fans, and some of you reading this today will probably owe STC as your introduction to the world of Sonic the Hedgehog.

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STC Comic Artist Nigel Dobbyn confirmed for Summer of Sonic ’10

Those of you who popped in to last year’s Summer of Sonic convention might have had the opportunity to talk to Sonic the Comic artist Nigel Dobbyn…and some of you were even more lucky to beat me in picking up some original artwork! Once again we are fortunate to once again welcome back Nigel, who will be returning to Summer of Sonic once again to sign your comics and have a natter (and heck if you’re nice enough he might even draw you a quick sketch!). Nigel might also up to some other tricks on the day…but we’re keeping that under my hat for now; we will just tease you with some of his new artwork instead!

As well as Nigel, we are also happy to announce this year, the young aspiring artists from Sonic the Comic Online will be in attendence and will also be showing off their artwork and talent! Don’t forget there will also be more opportunities for you to show off your own artistic flair at our Art corner too…and who knows, there might even be some fab prizes to be won. More on that later!

Do keep your eyes firmly fixed on the Summer of Sonic website, because believe me, you’re going to want to be there this year!

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Sonic the Comic up for Award Nomination

The Eagle Awards, a British comic awards ceremony, has begun taking votes for possible nominees for the 2007 Eagle Awards. Sonic the Comic Online, as well as several creators from the official series, are now selectable in their online nomination form.

Sonic the Comic Online is selectable in the following sections:

  • Favorite Web Based Comic
  • Favorite Comics Related Website
  • Favorite Colour Comic (British)
  • Favorite Cover of 2006 (two entries)
  • Favorite Comics Character (Sonic)

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Sonic the Comic Online #234

One of the best fan made comics ever made, which was created after the official Sonic The Comic died, has a new issue. Issue #234 has been released online.


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Sonic_Hedgehogs Returns, STC is Revived!

Still working on the User thing, guys, sorry about that. Told ya things may be slow. Just to say two very important things – Sonic_Hedgehogs, owner of Sonic News, has officially returned to The Sonic Stadium to run his section again. Yum! And, even more exciting news… the best Sonic comic in existence has now officially returned – only this time, instead of Fleetway returning like we all hope, a bunch of great STC fans have taken the time to make their own ‘Sonic the Comic’, based on the Fleetway verse. Enjoy…

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