[UPDATE] Lost World Charity Marathon Forges Ahead on October 26th, Prizes Announced


UPDATE: The marathon will be going live at 9am Pacific/12pm Eastern over at the event website, on Twitch.tv, and on YouTube. Original post follows.

Along with the successful funding for effective livestream equipment, David Oxford of Nintendo Force is pleased to announced that the Sonic Lost World First Play Charity Marathon will forge ahead this Saturday, October 26th!

Oxford will be joined by Ian Flynn, who many will recognize as the writer for Archie Comics’ Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Universe, and Mega Man series, as they tackle Sonic’s latest gaming venture over the course of 24 hours in hopes to raise money for the Sick Kids Foundation.

With the hosts themselves bearing little to no experience of the game itself, Flynn having played no more than the San Diego Comic-Con demo and Oxford going in blind, they will also be holding an open chat where viewers are given the green light to ask questions as the playthrough goes on, and with the recent universal reboot of the Archie Sonic comics following the mega Worlds Collide crossover, there is possibly no better chance to get some answers regarding Sonic’s brave new world than this!

In an email Oxford sent our way, he has stated that, thanks to their generous sponsors, numerous prizes will be raffled off to those who donate over the course of the Marathon, which include but are not limited to:

  • Four green Sonic Lost World lanyards from the Sonic Boom 2013 convention, featuring images of the Deadly Six and Sonic on one side, and the game’s logo on the other;
  • Four digital one-year subscriptions to Nintendo Force magazine;
  • 12 different Archie Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Universe comic collections and magazines, and;
  • Four hardcover first editions of UDON Entertainment’s The History of Sonic the Hedgehog book!

And the two grand prizes?

  • One customized Sonic Lost World “thank you” illustration, featuring the winner’s name, by fan-favorite Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man artist Patrick “Spaz” Spaziante!
  • One Wii U Deluxe Set from Nintendo with a copy of Sonic Lost World!

While concerns were initially raised over the date of the event due to the delay of the North American release, it appears that the kind folks at SEGA have given a helping hand to Oxford and Flynn by granting them an early copy of the game, thus allowing the charity event to proceed as planned.

Oxford and Flynn are hoping to raise a total of $1000-1500 through the Charity Marathon, and if those numbers can be broken, then all the better for Sick Kids! Help kick off the holiday season right by donating to this wonderful cause!

[ UPDATE: A Facebook event page and a Google+ event page has since gone live. ]

Once again, the Sonic Lost World First Play Charity Marathon will be held this Saturday, October 26th, over at Nyteworks.

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Oxford and Flynn Team Up for Sonic Lost World First Play Charity Marathon


David Oxford, writer for Nintendo Force magazine, and Ian Flynn, writer for Archie Comics’ Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Universe, and Mega Man series, are teaming up for a start-to-finish blind playthrough of SEGA’s upcoming Sonic Lost World to raise some money for charity!

Hosted by Nyteworks, the pair seek to raise $1000-1500 (but you know what they say: the more, the merrier!) over the course of 24 hours for the Sick Kids Foundation, the fundraising branch of the Toronto-based The Hospital for Sick Children. You can pester Flynn with various questions concerning the comics, participate in raffles to win prizes via known sponsors Nintendo Force and UDON Entertainment (publisher of The History of Sonic the Hedgehog), and even request games to be played should they finish their Lost Hex romp early!

HOWEVER! While the mission in itself is noble, they won’t be able to accomplish their goal without the proper equipment.


The Sonic Lost World First Play Charity Marathon needs a bit of a boost of up to $750 for quality tools, so Oxford and Flynn are turning to crowdfunding via Indiegogo in order to make the charity event a reality. Perks of contributing include shout-outs and promotions of almost anything (so long as it is within reason), so for the charity and the equipment fundraiser of the charity…

Please think of the sick children.

That’s right, I’m guilt-tripping you. Is it working? Yes? Good!

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