Sonic Fan Film “The Hedgehog” is Released


This came out of nowhere didn’t it? A user on our forums posted this a short while ago and I have to admit, this one really surprised me in terms of how good it is.

So, I should say right now, given how this film ends, I was a little hesitant to news it, on reflection whilst it held my interest and I was impressed with the product, I do not think the film ended well, even though I can see what the directors were trying to do, some people are going to be affected by how the film ends. So I would advise caution if you decide to watch this, certainly don’t watch it if you’re feeling down.

However, I decided to news it because aside from being Sonic related, it’s actually very well made, the cinematography and storytelling are really high quality and some of the visuals are clever, it’s a film that makes you think as you watch it.

So what’s it about? Well, to quote the film itself.

A lone boy wanders the open landscape of a suburban park. Dressed as his favourite video game hero, he daydreams for adventure but the reality of his uneventful world disappoints him. He follows a strangely familiar man to an old house where he stumbles upon a peculiar truth to his lonely existence.

I’ve watched it, I was pretty impressed. It’s really good short film in terms of cinematography and storytelling. There is no dialogue in the film, the story is told completely through visuals, such as the expressions and gestures of the characters, the use of the cinematography, the music, lighting.

I also liked how the films creators handled elements of the fictional video game world and blended them into the real life world, though… that ending is little… depending how you interpret it, you might not like it.

The film was created by directing duo Chris Lee and Paul Storrie, the film has also been nominated for the British Council best short award.

Personally, I would definitely give this film a watch, if you’ve got any interest in film and storytelling, it’s well worth it, but the ending is going to make you depressed.

Head over to the official website to watch the film.


Edit: After reflection, I will most likely be doing an instalment of ‘The Spin’ on this film because a lot needs to be said.

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Sonic the Hedgehog Fan Film Now Online


After many years of anticipation, the Sonic Fan Film has been completed and is now available to watch online. The 20-minute live-action picture, written and directed by Eddie LeBron and released through Blue Core Studios has garnered much attention, in part as it sees Jaleel White voice Sonic the Hedgehog once more (for those who have been living under a rock, White voiced Sonic in The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and SatAM back in the 90s).

In the 24 hours since its release, the film has already racked up an ultra-impressive 200,000 views on youtube – if you haven’t checked it out yet, watch it above and see what all of the fuss is about.

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Eddie Lebron Releases Third Trailer for Sonic Fan Film

I’m going to keep this short. Eddie Lebron is a film maker, his latest project has been a Sonic fan movie. Only this one is different, it’s amazing! Try not to spill your tea.


The short film is due for release this summer. You can find out more via the links below… … Oh yes… That is Jaleel White voicing Sonic.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to try and convince Eddie Lebron to turn his talents into building me a life sized fully working BuzzBomber! Yes I know that was CGI but I can dream!

For more information on this project. Visit the sites. &

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