[UPDATE!] Sonic Boom: “The first CG Animated Film in the Sonic Franchise”

sonicboom film[UPDATE: SEGA have since released the following statement in the wake of the Nuremberg Toy fair:

SEGA is yet to announce details of upcoming console video games for Sonic the Hedgehog or further details regarding the new Sonic CG TV series.  The recent information coming out of Nuremburg Toy Fair was incorrect.  For official and up to date news regarding Sonic the Hedgehog please go to www.sonicthehedgehog.com or follow Sonic on Twitter (@sonic_hedgehog).

We will, as always, keep you dudes and dudettes up-to-date on any and all announcements! – T]

At the Nuremberg Toy Fair, there was a sign which has caused a bit of a stir by confirming a new Sonic game is in production, however the sign also had a strange piece of information regarding the new cartoon ‘Sonic Boom’ due for broadcast at the end of this year.

That being “The first CG Animated Film in the Sonic Franchise”

Now this could be interpreted in a number of ways… It’s either in reference to the fact the cartoon as a whole is CG animated which has not happened before.

Or, that Sonic Boom has a much larger linking story than we’re being led to believe.

Or…. … … That there is a much larger Sonic Animated Film in development?

Personally, I can’t see it being a stand alone film, it’s more likely one of the first 2 options. Hey who knows, maybe I’m wrong and there is a movie on the way.

Anyway, I figured you would all find this of some interest given how lacking news on the cartoon has been lately.

Source: Spindash.de

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