One of the biggest delights I’ve had playing a Sonic fangame this year was based off a game I admittedly never liked much. Sonic 2 (8-bit), and most of Sonic’s Game Gear/Master System lineup, never struck the same chord with me that the Genesis trilogy did. Controls were never as tight, graphics never as pretty, sound never as catchy, and level design never as interesting. Just about all of that can understandably be chalked up to hardware limitations. But what happens when those shackles are removed, and over 20 years of hindsight from a zealous fanbase can be put into practice?
Continue reading SAGE 2020: Sonic 2 SMS Remake Goes Above and Beyond
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In addition to the last SAGE 2008 informational news update, posted here at TSS, SAGE director, Shadix, has released new information! The updated post includes updated photos of the games that were previously confirmed, as well as brand new confirmations:
- Dlpha – A Sonic RPG based in the AoStH universe.
- RICHARD JACQUES – the composer from Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic R comes to chat with SAGE visitors. A time has yet to be determined.
- CHRIS SENN – designer of Sonic X-Treme. A time has yet to be determined
- LIVE CONCERTS – concerts will be airing over the SAGEcast channel! Three bands are confirmed: Riker Out (featuring Hunter Bridges, the composer of Sonic Nexus’ soundtrack), The Polites (headed by The Taxman, creator of Retro Sonic), and Dom (live requests and the all around Sonic jukebox).
Stay tuned for even more SAGE 2008 confirmations! A SAGE news thread has now appeared at TSS in the Sonic the Hedgehog forum as a sticky. Check it out here!
SAGE, again, will take place on August 17th through the 24th at
Check out the SAGE 2008 news thread at Sonic Fan Games HQ.
Check it out at SSMB!
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The 2008 Sonic Amateur Game Expo, hosted by Sonic Fan Games HQ, is exactly one month away and to celebrate, TSS member Huepow00 is helping build excitement by releasing a teaser video. The video also serves as a reminder for those who are thinking of entering to start working if you haven’t already, so get going people! The show can never have enough projects! Guests (most notably, Ryan Drummond, who is back for his second year) and events are being finalized and added as we speak, so it looks to be another stellar community event.
SAGE 2008 will start August 17th at 12 AM GMT. Registration for booths will happen August 4th through the 8th.
Check out Huepow’s SAGE 2008 Teaser
Check out the SAGE 2008 Press Site
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