Our deep sea dive is due to surface in the final part of the oceanic arc! Our look at the city of Meropis and its plight draws to an end in this month’s issue of Sonic the Hedgehog, and Newsarama
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Our deep sea dive is due to surface in the final part of the oceanic arc! Our look at the city of Meropis and its plight draws to an end in this month’s issue of Sonic the Hedgehog, and Newsarama
We’re preparing to leave the waters, but it won’t come without resistance!
Midtown Comics has obtained the solicitations for July, and we’re coming to an end on two watery storylines. In Sonic the Hedgehog #263, Sonic is still trying to save the underwater, when who should turn up but…Chaos?! And Eggman is getting his battle plan for the shattered world ready while that’s going on! This is “Waves of Change”: Part 4.
(W) Ian Flynn, Aleah Baker (A) Evan Stanley & Various (CA) Ben Bates
‘Waves of Change,’ Part Four. Cool off from the hot summer sun with Sonic the Hedgehog! The tides are turning in Sonic’s favor-literally-as Chaos joins the fray! It’s all-out war to save the underwater city from total devastation in this thrilling conclusion! Then, in ‘Consequences,’ take a sneak peek into Eggman’s shattered world crisis battle plan-we’ll give you a hint, it’s evil! Featuring super-cool cover art from Ben Bates and a Chao-tastic variant cover from Evan Stanley.
Meanwhile, in Sonic Universe #66, Knuckles dukes it out with more Dark Gaia evil while the Chaotix are still entangled with the Hooligans. To make matters worse, the Chaos Emeralds and Chip are still at stake! And there’s still danger from the waters! This is “The Great Chaos Caper”: Part 4.
(W) Ian Flynn (A) Jim Amash & Various (CA) Tracy Yardley
‘The Great Chaos Caper.’ This is it, the frantic finale full of flustered fighters! In one corner, trying to complete his mission and save the world, is Knuckles! In the other corner, a titanic Dark Gaia beast! The Chaotix and Hooligans continue to tussle, a wounded spirit and Chaos Emerald are being tossed about, and the flood waters are pouring in! Don’t miss this crazy conclusion to the ‘Great Chaos Caper!’
Finally, Sonic Digest #8 collects another selection of classic stories in a handy dandy format. It has its own exclusive story though; another part to Sonic Comic origins covering how Antoine got involved in the Freedom Fighter plight!
(W) Ian Flynn (A) Lamar Wells & Various (CA) Rafa Knight
Sonic Super Digest returns with an all-new story continuing the hit Sonic Origins mini-feature! Sonic the Hedgehog has many friends, but few are as brave, stalwart or had as much growth as Antoine D’Coolette! Learn how this skittish swordsman crossed paths with Sonic and the Freedom Fighters as only Sonic Super Digest can tell it! Then, continue the fun with more classic adventures from the Sonic comic library! Featuring an all-new CG cover from Sonic superstar Rafa Knight!
Sonic #263 and Sonic Universe #66 will have more in-depth previews closer to release.
Source: Midtown Comics