Metal Sonic Sprite T-Shirt Gives You +10 Cool

If you thought the Sonic t-shirt posted here by the lovely Brad Flick a few months ago was cool then allow me to introduce that t-shirts older cooler brother. Shark Robot now have up for sale a similar t-shirt in concept but made all the cooler by featuring Metal Sonic’s glowing red eyes and evil glare. At still only $17.95 the t-shirt is a steal and I’ve no qualms in telling you all after getting the Sonic t-shirt for Christmas (thanks sis!) I ordered Metal Sonic as soon as I saw it. Click the image for a larger preview and when you’re done gawking get yourself over to Shark Robot and buy the damn thing, pronto!

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Way Past Cool Sonic Sprite T-Shirt


Holy shit… yes.  Just in time for the Needlemouse hype (and Christmas), nerd-clothing outlet, Shark Robot, has put up a listing for a “Sonic Sprite Symbol” t-shirt.  This black shirt features Sonic’s head, completely made up of frames in Sonic’s run animation from the Genesis games.

The shirts runs at an affordable $17.95 plus shipping.

Head on over to Shark Robot to buy this radness, foo’.

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