Steve Lycett Reveals 2 New ASR Screens And Amy Concept Art

Steve Lycett who began his developer diary for Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing which we reported about earlier has revealed a couple of new screens and a piece of Amy Rose conept art to SEGA of America’s blog where they too have posted the diary entry.

Will we see more in the next diary entries? We’ll keep an eye out, for now here’s the pics –
New screen Amy

New screen Tails

Amy concept art

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Simon Jeffery Leaves SEGA of America [UPDATE]

An expert at putting his foot in his mouth and insulting his company’s biggest fanbase, SEGA of America President and Co-Owner, Simon Jeffery, has packed his bags at SEGA.  Jeffery will become an executive at iPhone developer and publisher “ngmoco,” a company founded last year by a former EA executive, Neil Young.

Jeffery has made it well known that he loves the iPhone.  While the move might seem idiotic on the surface for a president of SEGA to move into another role at a smaller company, the move is likely a simple pursuit of interests.  Whatever might have sparked Jeffery’s departure from SEGA, I know that some people are having a party regardless.

Jeffery will lead ngmoco’s Plus+ (redundant, much?) publishing group, “which integrates social networking and cross-promotional options into games.”

[via Kotaku]

UPDATE (June 16th): SEGA of Europe president, Mike Hayes, will now be overseeing SoA. Read the full story at MCV.

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PS3 Version of SSASR to be Playstation Network Only


SEGA Europe and SEGA of America have updated their format listings on their Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing game pages. The Playstation 3 version’s listing has been changed to Playstation Network indicating that format will now only receive a downloadable version of the game on the Playstation Store. This version is still listed for release in Early 2010, so the change hasn’t affected the release date period.

With the early unveiling of PSP GO (the newest PSP model which can only play games downloaded from Playstation Networks Playstation Store), could this sudden change mean there is now a PSP version on the way to help support PSP GO? SEGA have always supported PSP so it’s possible.

SEGA of America’s game page also lists a PC Download version of the game for an Early 2010 release which has been listed there and in the trailer since the games unveiling but is still absent from SEGA Europe’s game page. We’ll let you know if/when this version gets announced for Europe.

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SEGA official blog showcases your fan artwork!

SEGA of America’s ‘Clumsyorchid’ updated the official SoA blog today with an interesting update regarding fan artwork entries to the ‘Sonic and the Black Knight’ artwork competition which took place a few months back. Clumsyorchid writes that the blog plans to do ‘5 days of fan art’, giving talented fans the spotlight they deserve by showcasing some fantastic entries they received after opening the competition. More artwork will be uploaded tomorrow, so if yours isn’t on there today, don’t feel too left out.

Has your piece appeared in today’s update? If so, which is yours? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: SEGA of America’s official blog.

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CONFIRMED: Sega of America Cut ‘About 30’ Staff


After an early report from IGN who claimed they had reason to believe 30 staff had been cut from our beloved video game publisher SEGA, a new report from EDGE with word from a SEGA of America representative has arisen to confirm jobs have been cut.

In an e-mail response to EDGE, the un-named SEGA rep stated –

Sega of America has grown at pace with the booming videogame industry, but at this time of economic recession, harsh retail landscape, and the reality of business challenges to profitability, we must take steps to reduce our cost structure and ensure long-term success.”

Guess even Sonic’s latest title can’t save them from the current financial crisis (sorry Sonic, we know you try).

The rep informed EDGE “around 30 people” have been laid off work and went on to say –

“The decision to lay off staff was a difficult one, and we thank these employees for their contributions and wish them well in their future endeavors.”

With todays financial crisis and more and businesses facing pressure and/or closure every day, it is becoming tougher for people to find employment. We at TSS wish those staff members well for the future and hope they do manage find more work and happiness through this difficult time whatever happens.

Source: EDGE

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New Unleashed video all up in China

SEGA of America’s official YouTube profile has released the Unleashed trailer of the China level, as seen at the LGC.  In this video, you can catch some mad “game playing itself” action, “homing attack badniks over bottomless pits” action, as well as some “repetitive button mashing with howling” action.  So much action, so little time!

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Simon Jeffery lives in glass house, throws stones

I just wrote a goddamn Crossfire feature on SEGA’s wonderful PR department at 8 PM Central Standard Time on August 11th. On the same day 3 hours later, I read the following blunder of an interview. What an absolutely delicious convenience. Sometimes, I simply love just posting the news, but this story is another opportunity that I cannot refuse to inject hilarious, yet warranted, opinion into.

SEGA should just stop doing interviews. They say blockheaded things in these one-on-one discussions with the gaming media and it really brings a palm to my face. The latest installment in “SEGA PR Adventures” (now available on Wii Shop Channel) features Mr. Simon Jeffery, the president of SEGA of America. We have been down this road before. Remember when he called us all 13-year olds for liking Sonic? I know Svend does.

In late July, Simon Jeffery was on a “quest for cool” during an interview with Forbes Magazine, as reported by Kotaku. He really set the bar low by saying that SEGA should be equal to or better than THQ. Yes, T-H-Q.

If that was not enough “lulz” for you, as of yesterday, he is practically asking, no, begging for us to be disgruntled at him once more in his latest interview with Gamasutra. His first Sonic related question was why Sonic is hopping around play-styles in order to find his niche in the 3D world. His response:

SJ: I think the Japanese side, at Sonic Team, have realized that old Sonic doesn’t really gel with today’s consumer and today’s kids especially.

Continue reading Simon Jeffery lives in glass house, throws stones

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