This Sonic 2 Hack Adds Forces Physics, Works As Well As You’d Expect

We can all talk about the wonkiness of ‘My Saturday Morning Apocalypse’ adventure Sonic Forces all day long – perhaps never as concisely as our expert TSS Review, of course – but seeing its physics baked into another Sonic game really hammers home some of the gameplay issues that were prominent in the 2017 release. Continue reading This Sonic 2 Hack Adds Forces Physics, Works As Well As You’d Expect

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Iizuka: We ‘Updated’ the Physics for Sonic 4

Sonic Team bossman Takashi Iizuka is a lovable chap in person, but gosh does he say the darndest things. He’s like an adorable grandpa that sometimes spouts politically incorrect slurs that would only be acceptable in the 1970s.

Recently, he demonstrated this again in an interview with Nintendo Power, where he was asked to elaborate on the rather wonky physics of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. Take it away, Papa Iizuka:

NP: We enjoyed [Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1], but the physics felt a bit off compared to the Genesis games. Is that something you’ll look to tweak in future episodes?

TI: In this title, we have not done a straight port of the gameplay [from the Genesis games], but rather updated it with actions which could not be done in the previous titles, like ceiling-running. These changes probably made for a different feel to the longtime Sonic fans. We’re happy for feedback like this, and we’ll make sure we can improve the quality even further in upcoming titles.

Make of that what you will – all I’ll say is “Keep on shinin’, Iizuka. Keep on shinin’.”

Source: Nintendo Power (via Aeropause) / Image Credit
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