Sonic Frontiers’ Ending Theme Revealed: “Vandalize” by One Ok Rock

Music has famously always been a high point for Sonic, with even the worst games often having solid soundtracks. As more of Sonic Frontiers has been revealed, SEGA has been stingy with the music, often even removing it from game play videos, leaving fans with only the odd taste from a trailer or clip. That is, until today.

SEGA has finally revealed a full track from the game, ”Vandalize” by the Japanese rock band One Ok Rock. While SEGA only posted a one-minute tease on the Sonic twitter, One Ok Rock has posted both the Japanese and English versions of the song on Youtube.

Some have already noted that the Japanese version of the song drops an f-bomb. This appears to have been replaced with ”freaking” in the English version. So no, this doesn’t mean Sonic Frontiers is going to get a T or M rating or anything.

Check out both versions of the song below:

The band also did an interview, which as translated into English by SEGA Asia. Nothing newsworthy is said, but you can still check it out below:
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