ONM Releases 30 Hi-res Sonic Lost World Screenshots

Sonic Lost World July screenshots 9

Following the recent Sonic Lost World screenshot leaks, Official Nintendo Magazine UK has released hi-res versions of those screenshots, a few old screenshots and a few new previously unseen ones. ONM also revealed that the forest stage is called Silent Forest.

Check out the full set of screenshots in our gallery after the jump.
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Next Nintendo TV News Episode to Feature Exclusive Sonic Generations Preview

At the end of today’s episode of Nintendo TV News on the UK Wii Nintendo Channel, Official Nintendo Magazine informed they will have an exclusive preview of the Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic Generations in their next episode, which will be made available September 23rd. ONM hasn’t give any clues about what to expect, but given the format of the show, we should hopefully see new video footage and/or an interview with SEGA.

We’ll pass on any new information revealed.

Got a news tip? Send it in to thesonicstadium@googlemail.com, shadzter@sonicstadium.org or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

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New Sonic Colours Wii & DS Screens and Blue Wisp Art

Official Nintendo Magazine UK has posted up some new screenshots of the Wii and DS versions of Sonic Colours. The screens give us our first look at the DS versions multiplayer mode, as well as more of the single-player mode. DS multiplayer looks to be a simple 2 player race mode, like in Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure. We also get to see more of the Wii versions recently revealed co-op mode, including combinations of the boost, Drill and Spike powers. There’s also an odd Wii screen with a yellow billiard ball, make of that what you will. You can check out the screens and official artwork of the Blue Wisp below.

Source: Official Nintendo Magazine UK’s website

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UK’s Official Nintendo Magazine With Sonic 4 Scoop Next Month

Sonic 4 has seen more high profile leaks than SEGA would have liked but the marketing for the game looks set to officially kick into high gear soon as the first news of a magazine featuring a preview has been uncovered. As revealed in their latest issue (54, April 2010) the UK’s Official Nintendo Magazine will have screenshots and impressions of Sonic 4 next month. The magazine will be out on the 9th April so in you live in the UK you can pick it up then or you can rely on TSS to give you the down-low. Thanks to MK Skillz of the SSMB for the heads up!

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First ASR Review In Friday’s ONM?

Official Nintendo Magazine UK have posted up a preview of Friday’s new issue and Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing will be starring on the cover suggesting they may have the world’s first review contained within it’s pages. ONM usually are the one’s to get the first review of a Sonic game so it’s very likely. We’ll pick up a copy and let you know what they think of the game.

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