GFUEL Makes a Chili Dog Flavored Energy Drink, Because Irony Is Dead & Nothing Matters Anymore

We may live in a capitalist dystopia, but at least we have a meat and chili dog-flavored GFUEL energy drink…inspired by Sanic. Yes, the badly drawn Sonic meme.

I’m not even sure how to report on this, because when I first saw it, I thought it was a joke. But then I read the tweet, and discovered that not only is this not a joke, but it’s a thing that a company invested R&D into, will be manufacturing, and distributing to actual, real people, who will have the privilege(?) of drinking it.

They gave no release date, though they are giving away free bundles of the stuff to anyone who retweets the below tweet with the hashtag “GFUELSanic.” So if you want to actually try this stuff, or add it to your collection, that’s one way to do it.

And yes, the tone of this article is different, on purpose, because this doesn’t deserve my usual dry, fact-filled reporting style. Also, we have nothing planned for April Fools Day this year, so this is the closest you all are getting!

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