Sonic 4: SEGA Starts Screwing Around With the “4th Platform”

We told you the day of the Sonic 4 site launch that snooping around revealed the fourth console that the game would be coming to.  While the iPhone was the original find, another image has been found thanks to Sonic Retro member Compsense.  Here was the original image, coupled with the iPhone image:

Here’s the new image that was found:

What is the “N2?” The N2 is an NVIDIA developed arcade platform running on the GeForce graphics card.  Since it’s PC based, N2 games are easily ported to PC.  Only three games in existence have used the N2 platform.

Is Sonic 4 really coming to the N2 or is SEGA screwing with the community for snooping around?  Is the iPhone still the fourth platform?  I don’t even know anymore.  My guess is that this “N2” jive is fake.  I mean, wouldn’t they put a picture in the square for the “reveal” image?  Why is it still locked?

[via Sonic Retro]

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