Sonic Generations: Chemical Plant Zone Officially Revealed For Xbox 360/PS3, Tails Art, 3DS Boxart

SEGA’s officially unveiled the Chemical Plant Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Classic Metal Sonic Rival Battle at Stardust Speedway from Sonic CD for the PS3 and Xbox 360 version of Sonic Generations. This level and battle were revealed with a batch of new screenshots SEGA dished out today, as well as artwork for Classic Tails and Modern Tails and the boxart for the Nintendo 3DS version of the game. You can check all of that out below.

Classic Tails and Modern Tails artwork

UK Nintendo 3DS boxart

Chemical Plant Zone screenshots

Classic Sonic vs. Classic Metal Sonic Rival Battle at Stardust Speedway

Sources: SEGA Twitter and SEGA Flickr

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