Sonic 2’s Mecha Sonic Is Getting An Action Figure

As JAKKS Pacific renew their Sonic the Hedgehog licence into 2022, the company has announced that Sonic the Hedgehog 2’s Mecha Sonic will finally be getting a figure incarnation!

Evidence appeared earlier in the year this figure was getting a release, however many speculated it might have been another Metal Sonic figure. A classic Eggman and laughing Sonic will also be joining the classic figure range.

Source: Nintendo Wire

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Get Excited: New Sonic the Hedgehog Mini Figures On The Way!

You’ll all be aware of the really snazzy Sonic the hedgehog classic mini figures line that are produced by First4Figures, well, while snooping as usual around the internets, I’ve found that Forbidden Planet UK are already taking pre-orders for:

– 1.5″ Mini figure Amy Rose
– 1.5″ Mini figure Super Sonic


1.5″ Mini figure MECHA SONIC!!!!!

Now hopefully they haven’t gone and got their robots mixed up (because usually this is what happens) – becuase if they haven’t, there may very well be a chance of owning a tiny version of the robot you fight at the end of Sonic & Knuckles, to many the coolest incarnation of Sonic’s robot counterpart! Either way, fans will at least be getting another Metal Sonic figure…something you can never have too much of! Until then, I guess we’ll have to make do…apparently Amy and Super Sonic were on display at the Neurnberg toy fair, with punters being forbidden to take photos, but hopefully some will surface soon!

Expect these figures to hit UK shelves around the 30th of July, 2010. Exciting stuff!

Source: Forbidden Planet International

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