More Sonic 4 Contest Loonies Dressed As Sonic


I must admit I’m now a bit bored of watching Sonic 4 contest entries that generally comprise of a helium-filled child giving a tour of their untidy bedrooms filmed on a 400 pixel camera. I’m also growing tired of the formula of grown men with dyed-blue hair running around in public receiving scornful looks from the elderly, supporting their views that all of today’s youth are doing drugs. Moans aside, there are still odd entries that are popping up that are making me smile. Although this film falls in the latter catagory, the badniks are really, really awesome, so watch it. TSS would like to mention we do not condone the use of pick axes to break open monitors.

I dare you to not laugh when the Buzzbomber gets a shoryuken to the face.

And because I’m not shameless at all: If you’re all tired out from these entries, why don’t you sit back, relax, and join me in the art corner…


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