Gamespot’s Sonic Free Riders Video Preview


In their latest “On The Spot” show, Gamespot got to interview SEGA’s David Allen about Sonic Free Riders.  David also demoed the game on the show.  Those who have been keeping up to date with the Xbox 360 Kinect title won’t see anything new in terms of the track shown, but we do get a better look at rail grinding and the player interaction required for that technique.

David Allen explains that they have taken the best bits from the previous two Riders games and combined them into this game. When it comes to controls, a lot of detail is given about how interactive the game is, such as its skateboard or snowboard like steering. David, however, is quick to be secretive in response to most of Ricardo Torres’ questions about content, like multiplayer options, modes, other characters, tracks and items. Instead, David assures that the team are trying to get in as much content as possible while rushing to get the game out for its November launch.

You can check out Ricardo’s hands-on preview from the 3rd August at Gamespot’s website.

Thanks to bolt7 at the SSMB for the heads up!

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New Sonic Free Riders Info At

The U.S. Official Xbox site has put up a product page for SEGA’s first Kinect for Xbox 360 title Sonic Free Riders where there are some juicy new details about it’s online and offline modes revealed which you can take a look at below –
Offline features:
– Players: 1-4
– Players Co-op: 1-4
– Multiplayer Versus
– In-game Dolby Digital
– HDTV 720p
– Storage Device

Xbox Live features:
– Players: 2-12
– Content Downloads
– Leaderboards
– Voice Messaging
– Voice Support

The page also reveals the game is being made by Japanese developer O-Two and will be an Xbox Live Arcade title, which is odd as since the games announcement there has been a temporary retail type boxart going around plus SEGA’s product page has the platform listed as Xbox 360 instead of Xbox Live Arcade like they usually list downloadable titles such as Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. The official Xbox forum staff have also placed the games sub forum under the Xbox Live Arcade section.

That’s the new info for Sonic Free Riders, we’ll keep you up to date as more info is revealed.

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Sonic Free Riders: IGN Impressions & Video Demonstration


IGN got to actually get inside Sonic Free Riders E3 greenhouse glass sealed area and get an extensive look at the games’ menu’s and first level aswell as hear details about the game, it’s development and it’s music and sound effects. Menu wise we see some of the Extreme Gears(the hover boards) in the game aswell as the characters seen in previous videos, the menu is very interactive with Microsoft’s Kinect for Xbox 360 device like the whole dashboard seen at Microsoft’s press conference.

Though they could film the SEGA rep and his actions, filming of the game still required IGN’s camera to be outside of the glass box but they still managed to a good view of the screen. SEGA’s rep reveals that character type specific short cuts are back as standard such as Knuckles’ punching ability to get through walls, the level-up system is in the E3 demo but the developers are still discussing wether that will stay in the game or not. The rep makes a point that nothing in the game at this stage of development is set in stone so we could still see alot of things change as we build up to release which SEGA has set as Late 2010.

IGN eyes-on impressions link
IGN video demonstration direct link

Thanks to Yong at the SSMB for the find and thanks to Woun also at the SSMB for the YouTube video conversion!

We’ve also come aross another gameplay video of Wave the Swallow in action by SBARTSTV which you can view above.

Thanks to Sweet Mountain Zone at the SSMB for the heads up on the second video!

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Sonic Free Riders Gameplay Video


Destructoid have posted up the first gameplay video of Sonic Free Riders on their YouTube channel. As we informed earlier, the demo is limited to demonstrations by SEGA staff only within a clear glass box for press to view the game through. The demo contains a selectable character roster of Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Jet, Wave and Storm (though Amy can also be seen as an AI character) and a few laps of just one track.

The game looks to be going back to its air system seen in the first game where you gain air depending on a ranking you obtain from pulling off tricks on jumps then spending your air on boosting, only now players don’t leave air streams behind to drag others off course. As explained in the games press release you can use Kinect’s motion controls to launch items at your opponents but it seems you can also use Kinect controls when attacked such as clearing sludge off your screen when it is thrown at you. Kinect is also used in the track demoed to swim in a short water area, the faster you swim the quicker you move which fits in well with a racing game such as this.

Check out the video yourself and let us know your oppinions in the comments!

Thanks to riaz976 at the SEGA Forums for the find!

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SEGA Announces Sonic Free Riders For Xbox 360 Kinect

SEGA of America and SEGA Europe have officially announced Sonic Free Riders for Microsoft’s Kinect for Xbox 360. The the much-rumoured title was revealed as a launch title at Microsoft’s E3 Press Conference for its Kinect peripheral, which will launch in North America November 4th 2010. Continue reading SEGA Announces Sonic Free Riders For Xbox 360 Kinect

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