Turning Japanese…

vending-japanHey guys, this will be my last update in quite a while – I’m off to Japan to enjoy the sights of Tokyo and Kyoto for two weeks! The last time I went to the land of the rising sun, I covered the Tokyo Game Show (in 2007) as well, which was awesome buy kind of rushed the rest of my time there (which was my actual holiday).

But who will look after the coop while I’m gone? Well, T-Bird’s going with me, so he won’t be here either, but Shadzter, Bolt and Brad will still be on call to cover Sonic happenings. Overseeing the whole site will be our Guest Editor, Paul Street. You might have met him if you went to Summer of Sonic last year, and also writes some excellent stuff for TSSZ News too. Give him a warm welcome – no doubt he will write a few update columns in my place if he fancies getting to know you all.

I’m due to leave the house tonight, and my plane will leave tomorrow afternoon. Wish me a good 12-hour flight (well, at least it’s better than 14 hours with a connecting flight – never doing that again). In my last day of ‘not-really-here-but-rather-packing-and-leaving-the-computer-to-do-stuff’, I’m uploading the last missing pieces of Soundtracks to the Media Portal. I’ve also created a few new pages to the Music archive on the website, so you can look at Sonic Boom, Sonic the Fighters and a few others now.

So it’s off to Nippon I go – land of vending machines, noodles, Super Potato (!) and Bubble Man drinks. Although we probably won’t dress as a vending machine like the chap in the picture, there. See you guys in two weeks!

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