Sonic the Comic Online Release Issue Number 250

Those of you lucky enough (and old enough!) to be a UK resident will no doubt hold dear in your heart the memory of picking up the first issue of Sonic the Comic from your newsagents way back in 1993 and squealing with delight at the plethora of stories and articles before you. Unfortunately that all came to a bitter end in 2002 when after months of re-releasing older stories and losing the interest of the die-hard fans, the comic ceased production.

However as a testiment to the captivating script writing and gorgeous artwork, a band of fans simply could not let the comic die.

From the ashes rose Sonic the Comic Online (or STC-O as it is known), took off from issue 224 where the official release left off, with a large group of fan artists and writers joining forces to produce issues every few months in the style of the original. Over the years the comic has gradually gained momentum, caught the attention of the writers from Fleetway (including SoS regular Nigel Kitching!) and has being nominated for many online comic awards.

This month STC-O celebrates the new decade with the release of issue 250, a milestone in the comic’s history! I think you’ll agree the artwork is nothing short of fantastic (the team of artists include no less than three SatBK art contest winners, with others going on into the world of professional comic book writing!), and the plot as convincing as those from way back in the day.

TSS caught up with STCO artist Stiv, who kindly commented on the release of the issue:

“It’s been a labour of love.  First conceived over 7 years ago, it’s been brilliant to see it finally reach the masses.  So many people have worked very hard on getting it finished and it’s the most exciting thing in the Sonic Community I’ve taken part in.”

Go check out the new issue issue over on the Sonic the Comic Online Web page.

Maybe if I write to Megadroid they’ll do another Sparkster comic for me…

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