Want a free packet of Sonic the Hedgehog Stickers? [CLOSED]

I successfully managed to return from Finland this morning avoiding the Lolcano Ass Cloud, and upon returning the first thing I did was hunt down some of those badass Sonic the Hedgehog stickers everyone seems to be so mad about.

Because I’m mega-awesome, I’m going to give 10 packs of these away, starting now, one every ten minutes. Not only that, your letter will arrive by Offuishul T-Burd Mail too (you will see should you win one). Not a massive prize, no, but it gives you something to look forward to in the post right? RIGHT?

All you have to do is comment below “I love the Sonic Stadium because…” and then give your answer. That’s it.

If your entry is chosen, please send an email titled “STICK IT TO ME” to tbird [at] sonicstadium.org with your username, your real name, and your address.

If you don’t win first time, feel free to go again and again!


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