Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed Nominated for a Golden Joystick Award

S&ASRT Gamescom Wii U screenshots 4

Sumo Digitals absolutely brilliant Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed managed to win the hearts of many fans as well as critics. If you’ve read our review of the game, or played it, you’ll probably know that it’s quite an exceptional racing game that will find the weak and crush them!


CVG have announced their nominations for this years Golden Joystick awards and ASRT has been nominated. Oh my! What category you may ask? Multiplayer! But I think it’s got a chance to win, it’s only up against. Battlefield 3, Halo 4, Black Ops 2, StarCraft 2, Fifa 13 and… Borderlands 2… as well as a few other popular games.

Hmmm, you know, I like it’s chances of winning /blind faith.

And win it shall! *Puts on the music from the Golden Axe stage* The winner is decided by public vote, come on you lot, get on there and vote, we shall crush the other games, see them driven before us and hear the lamentations of their women!

You can vote for the game here.

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Sonic Generations Nominated For Two Golden Joystick Awards

“YES! I’m making my way back to the top, baby!”

It’s that time of year when the annual Golden Joystick awards roll around once more, allowing gamers across the globe to vote for their favourite games from the past year in a number of different categories. This year’s awards will be of particular interest to Sonic fans though, as the blue blur’s 20th anniversary title – Sonic Generations – has been nominated not once, but twice!

That’s right, not only is Generations a nominee in the Best Action Game category, but the City Escape level (be it classic or modern!) is also up for a gong as Top Gaming Moment.

If you were one of the many who thoroughly enjoyed Sonic’s time-travelling adventure, then you can place your votes for the game via the following links:

Vote for Sonic Generations as Best Action Game

Vote for Sonic Generations as Top Gaming Moment

Best of luck to Sonic in his bid for these Golden Joysticks!

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Sonic Wins Outstanding Contribution Golden Joysticks Award

2011’s Games Master Golden Joysticks awards have been presented in London today and SEGA’s Sonic the Hedgehog franchise won big with the Outstanding Contribution Award. The award is the first of its kind for the Golden Joysticks, and so it’s a big honour for SEGA and the Sonic series to receive it.

There’s also news from editor Diane’s Twitter feed that a new Sonic Generations trailer was shown at the Golden Joysticks. We’ll be sure pass that on here once SEGA releases it online.

Sources: CBBC Newsround and TSSZ News

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