[Wii & DS Boards Fixed]Sumo Digital and SEGA Fixing ASR Time Trial Cheats/Glitches

UPDATE: After fixing the Wii leaderboards, the DS online leaderboards have now been fixed too. /UPDATE END

You may have heard word about a glitch in Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing revealed yesterday that can be abused to rank high on the time trial modes online leaderboards with very short lap times. The glitch is in all 3 home console versions Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii but the Wii version aswell as the DS version also contain times achieved using cheat devices.

Good news is that Sumo Digital and SEGA are aware of the glitchers and cheaters and are hard at work to fix the problems. The Wii version has today had the problem players times removed from the leaderboards and the names of those players filed so if they try to cheat/glitch their way onto the leaderboards again they will be banned.

Here are some statements from Sumo Digital Executive Producer Steve Lycett at the SEGA Forums –

I’m trying to decide, is this a thread bemoaning an exploit, or the Wii online?

I’m taking a look into this now with SEGA, then we’ll decide what to do to address it.

Watch this space



Whilst you’re busy bashing the Wii – I’ve just cleared all the hacked times and glitch times from the Wii leaderboards

I’ve got a log of the folk doing them too. Don’t make me break out the ban hammer

Just looking into the other platforms now.



A response from Shadi Wulf –

Yeah =P but how long is that gonna last until people start uploading more glitched times.


Back to Steve Lycett –

“I’ve got a log of the folk doing them too. Don’t make me break out the ban hammer ”


As above



Another post from Steve at the SSMB –

Yeah, I’ve sorted the Wii out, just looking into sorting the others. I don’t want a few people ruining the fun for the majority



We don’t condone the glitch and cheats so to not encourage people to perform them we aren’t posting the methods of how to perform the glitch or info for the cheats. We’ll let you know if and when the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions get a fix.

In other news, Sumo Digital staffer SumoRex at the SEGA forums has made a comment regarding the upcoming DLC –

Well. It’s impossible to please everyone, with people who love, and others who hate the same content. That was one of the things that made me quit. You can’t please everyone. No matter how hard you try.
Anyway, without giving anything away, the stuff you’ll get is nice. IMHO.
I dunno what the price is, but it’s not just an unlock, it represents LOTS of man hours.


Thanks to Starlight Rage Zone at the SEGA Forums for the heads up on SumoRex’s statement.

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