SEGA Europe Gets Kids Running in Run Sonic Run Initiative

SEGA Europe has teamed up with local schools and communities in the UK and set up a fun run initiative called Run Sonic Run to get kids running. The first event was held on Sunday May 15th in Walpole Park, which supported the Ealings Schools Fun Run, and as you can see in the photos, Sonic, the blue blur himself attended the event to show his support. 10 schools took part including Mount Carmel, Hobbayne, The Grange, Fielding, St. Saviours, Montpelier, St. Johns, Christchurch, St. Gregory’s and Blair Peach. The event is reported to have been a great success and got over 500 children running. Adults even took part afterwards in a 5k run.

SEGA is hoping to bring this initiative to future events and says to keep an eye out for details, so we’ll do just that and bring them to you as they’re announced.

Source: SEGA Europe Blog

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