Well there he/she is, the mysterious third character, all we know, is that it’s not Boom Sonic. But that hasn’t stopped people from guessing who it could be, so we here at The Number 1 Sonic Stadium Detective Agency have been looking at this image for all of a few seconds and have decided to come up with our own theories as to who this mysterious man could be.
We have one clue, the character is facing away from us, so whoever it is, the first time we saw them was from their rear side… make your own joke at that one.
Without further ado, here are the candidates and we’ve rated them out of 5 as to the likelihood of being the candidate.

It’s the silhouette that launched a thousand YouTube videos of people staring into the camera and blankly saying ‘is that Bubsy?’ Followed by, ‘Ok guys! I don’t know it looks like Bubsy!’ And they’re right! It does look like Bubsy.
Alas, he doesn’t look like he’s wearing his trademark T-Shirt.
The Third Man: 2/5

Yes folks, the man with two names is being called by some people as being the potential candidate. It would be quite fitting for the theme of the game to include a bounty hunter type character.
Just a few problems, no hat, and no tail.
The Third Man: 1/5
Dave The Intern

Paid below the minimum wage, stuck in a dead end job, gets disrespected by his boss, by his customers, by his friends! Could it be he’s finally snapped and is ready to be the hero we deserve?
Probably not.
The Third Man: 2/5
Original The Character Aka, Your Fan Character

One upon a time, people liked to create fan characters, this was very popular in the early – mid 2000’s with everyone making their own fan character. Many people saw the rise of MMO’s and thought ‘Yes! Danny the Echidna will save the day!’ Today, these are not anywhere near as popular but people still make them.
So why not have a character creator in the next Sonic game!? … … … Erm well… actually…
The Third Man: 3/5
Necky The Fox

This one comes from TSS’ own Jason and… Well… it’s not as far fetched as you may think. Who is Necky? Necky is the mascot for the Japanese gaming magazine ‘Famitsu’.
What are the odds of this being Necky? Well… Necky has had several parts and cameos in lots of games over the years, Sega of Japan has recently been doing a lot of exclusive reveals with Famitsu regarding Sonic Forces.
Necky also tends to change outfit quite a lot too, so don’t think he’s wearing the wrong clothes, the silhouette kinda looks like Necky and… it wouldn’t be the first time Sega has done something like this, Just ask Danica Patrick and Ralph.
Just one potential mark against him, no sign of a tail.
The Third Man: 4/5.
The third character, will be a character, in a game, made by Sega.
Until next time, Detective TSS & SSMB will keep investigating.
P.S. Max the Spider for ASRT DLC!
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