ETERNAL REVOLUTIONS, Guestbook and New Movies Zone!

“Pinch, punch, first day of the month, no returns of any kind”… x_x; Although this is pretty much the best time of the year. For me anyway. Think about it. It’s slap bang in the middle of the year for starters. It’s officially the start of Summertime, and that means Will Smith will be played on stations until everyone throws their radios out of the window. My “Bo’ Selecta” calendar shows ‘David Blaine’, evidently one of the best characters in the British TV comedy series. Plus, for us Sonic fans, we have Sonic’s own Birthday on the 23rd, the Sonic Site Awards round about that time too… and for me especially, my own birthday is on the 30th. Right at the end of the month. But it’s worth the wait, no? ^_^

And to celebrate the turning of this wonderful month, most of the change-around involving the new Movies Zone is complete, and the movies can be accessed via category. You can also find a link to each movie page related to a Sonic game just by going to the Sonic game page in the Games Archive too. Finally, Eternal Revolutions: another area we (or more precisely, I) have been slacking off on, and we know it has it’s fans. So we’ve caught back up to date, and it will be updated on a regular basis now. Catch all Episodes 1-7 at the ER page. Plus, we’ve finally woken up and sorted the Guestbook out. There’s STILL more updating to do before we’re square with you guys though, so expect more updates during the week. Adios! 🙂

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