Sonic Frontiers To Be Publicly Playable at UK Games Expo EGX

Fancy getting your hands on Sonic Frontiers before the game is out this Winter? Well if you live in the UK (that’s us!), you’re in luck, as there will be public playtests of the upcoming Open-Zone platformer at the EGX game show in September 2022.

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Metal Sonic/Eggman Spotted in Team Sonic Racing

Over in Birmingham, the annual EGX Expo is currently underway giving UK fans the chance to try out Team Sonic Racing for the first time. Well our very own writer Dave was there and during his time on the Planet Wisp course spotted a Metal Sonic billboard on the side of the track while playing the game! Continue reading Metal Sonic/Eggman Spotted in Team Sonic Racing

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Sonic Mania Trailer Music Artist Headlining EGX Party in London

If you thought one of the best things about the Sonic Mania reveal trailer was the 8-bit music, then you’ll love this (assuming you live in the UK) – Nitro Fun, the artist behind those chiptune beats, will be headlining a special gaming-themed party in a couple weeks’ time during London-based show EGX Rezzed. Continue reading Sonic Mania Trailer Music Artist Headlining EGX Party in London

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