Sonic Can Spin Attack Daleks In Lego Dimensions, Teaser Tomorrow… “Maybe”

Mark Warburton, who happens to be a producer at Travellers Tales on Lego Dimensions has made a series of tweets with regards to Sonic which both casts light onto what Sonic can actually do in the game as well as teases a possible trailer or reveal for Sonic in Lego Dimensions too.

The first tweet specifically mentions that in the Doctor Who stages, Sonic will spin attack Daleks, if you don’t know what a Dalek is, it’s basically a badnik with a mutant alien inside… who wants to destroy you.

Then in a response to another twitter user who asked about the possibility of a teaser for Sonic’s 25th, Warburton didn’t exactly say it wouldn’t happen.

So there we go, Sonic attacking Daleks and a possible teaser coming tomorrow. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ll be sat over here deciding which of these Sonic Screwdriver related puns will go into tomorrows article if the above happens.

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