Sonic Lost World Comic & Archie Cast Redesigned?


The newest previews for various Sonic comics have just come out and they show a number of very interesting things for both long term readers and new readers to the comic.

According to the cover of a future Sonic Super Special, there will be a comic book adaptation of Sonic Lost World, the sample text that came with it claims that the story will be 20 pages long and be the longest archie videogame adaptation to date.

Long terms fans of the comic might find the next bit of news more interesting. For the last year or two, there have been a number of rather noticable changes in the comic, some subtle, others are quite obvious. Why is this? Well, some believe that Sega might finally be trying to bring the comic more in line with the games, others suspect it’s to do with legal reasons against people who frankly I don’t want to give any attention to. Whats the truth? Probably a combination of them both.

Anyway, one major change which was announced around a year ago was that the long running character Sally would be getting huge design change. Looking at the preview images for the comics, it would seem that she’s not the only one whose had a design change.

The following is the cover for issue 254.

archie254As noticed by a number of SSMB members. Along with Sonic, there appears to be two supporting cast memebers there, Rotor and Antoine, whilst Rotor looks slightly different, the biggest change is Antoine, it would appear as if he’s outgrown his jacket.

Also if you take a look at the Super Special cover again, you’ll notice that it has the line ‘Your official guide to the all-new Sonic Comic Universe’ written on it. In addition to that it has other supporting cast members on it which seem to support the theory theres been a design change.


Apart from Sally which we already knew about. You can also see the character Bunnie who now has her robotic arm back as well as a few other changes.

So anyone like the new designs? Anyone gonna pick up the issues to see whats going on?

Source: SSMB members.

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