Go to Starbucks, Get Sonic 4 Episode 2 For free!

You might remember earlier this year how we reported on Starbucks (UK) offering customers free download codes for Sonic 4 Episode 1? Well it looks like it’s the turn of you guys across the pond.

As part of Starbucks’ Pick of the Week promotion. Sonic 4 Episode 2 will be given away to anyone who enters a Starbucks store in North America and Canada. The promotion started on Tuesday (November 20th) and will expire on Tuesday 27th November, however the codes will be good until February 12th 2013.

If it’s anything like the UK Promotion, chances are you can find the codes where you collect your drink… and if you’re very naughty, you can probably take more than one code. So if you’ve not tried episode 2 yet or fancy a copy for your iOS device, now might be a time to head to Starbucks.

Source: Sega Blog.

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