Fans Attempt Sonic Gaming Marathon

Gaming marathons are all the rage these days – it’s a noble cause, after all, and quite simple to set up. Get a webcam, a donate button, play games, earn money, send money to charity. To my knowledge there hasn’t been a Sonic the Hedgehog marathon set up (we’ve had Mario and the like so far, by different gaming groups), but a small gang called Ocean City Trinity are giving the blue blur a run for his money for the EduCare Foundation. The games will be the main console titles and range from Sonic the Hedgehog to the newly released (in America) Sonic Unleashed, and if you want to watch the fun unfold, it all kicks off on Saturday 22nd November. Head to their website for more details. Good luck guys!

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Jacques Spotted in London Pub

After spending some time in the Wii Flat playing Sonic Chronicles, we did the British thing and sat in a pub drinking our sorrows away. Looking for a beverage with a bit more pizazz than “beer, innit” I noticed a curious bottle calling to me. Playing a song. A ditty that made me think of my childhood years and a promise of long, crisp Summer days.

Picking up the bottle of fruit cider, I proceeded to have a snifter and taste its rather flavoured body. When asked for my opinion of the drink, I responded “This isn’t bad. It’s has a rather well-built texture. Yes, it’s rich”.

It was a Rich Jacques.

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Another new Riders 2 trailer shows off some new moves

IGN updated their Media section of ‘Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity’ earlier today with a brand spanking new trailer showcasing some new tricks such as Gravity Dive (which looks similar to how Chaos Control worked in Shadow the Hedgehog) and some flashy never before seen gameplay footage.

You can view the new trailer at IGN’s media page for the game here or at Nintendo Wii Fanboy courtesy of Joystiq here.

The release date is still set for next January in the US and March 08 for Europe. Hopefully it will improve on what the first game had to offer with its tonne of extra gears and courses.

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More Sonic Titles Coming To PS2?

Simon Jeffery, head of SEGA US, recently spoke to about what SEGA see of the future for PS2, when he dropped a potentially interesting hint about possible future Sonic titles.

The following is a excerpt from the interview.
What strategy should a software developer like Sega take?

We’re really balancing our portfolio of games for old-gen and new-gen hardware. We’re focusing our big investments on the next generation, and we’re making sure we have a balanced portfolio of kids’ games and family-oriented products and movie tie-ins. Continue reading More Sonic Titles Coming To PS2?

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