Disney’s “Wreck it Ralph” a Playable Character in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed!

It’s slowly becoming clear why this game isn’t called Sonic & ‘Sega’ all stars racing Transformed. At yesterdays Sonic Boom event, in a surprise announcement that not even Tikal could have predicted. The director of the movie ‘Wreck it Ralph’ Rich Moore took to the stage and dropped one heck of a surprise.

Continue reading Disney’s “Wreck it Ralph” a Playable Character in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed!

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Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed E3 Trailer & New Characters Revealed!

It’s nearly E3 Blue Believers. So we can expect some new All Stars Racing news soon… what? Today!? Oh my. Earlier today IGN decided to post the new E3 Trailer to Sega/Sumo’s Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed. The trailer confirms a bunch of new characters as well as stages.

We’ll let the trailer do most of the talking for us, since it’s quite the awesome trailer. But hit that read more link to see a bunch of other stuff that’s been revealed.

Continue reading Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed E3 Trailer & New Characters Revealed!

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Meccano Shows Off ASRT Toys & Confirms Green Hill Zone?


You might remember how we’ve previously brought you news about Meccano making toys based on All Stars Racing 2 (back before we knew it’s official title)? Well Meccano have finally released a number of images based on their newly acquired Sonic license… and my oh my they look lovely.

More after the break.

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