Sonic set aside his hydrophobia when countless Wisps were in danger as he ventured through Aquarium Park in Sonic Colours, with Eggman’s Interstellar Amusement Park laying claim to this planet for its feudal era-inspired architecture and expansive ocean. The evil Doctor’s lust for conquest later drove him to the Lost Hex, and became master of the Deadly Six, only for the Zeti to usurp him at the first opportunity; Sonic’s travels across the planetoid in Sonic Lost World soon led him to Sky Road where he confronted Zavok alone.
Select themes from both Zones, all composed by Tomoya Ohtani, have proven to be similar enough to be mashed up for this week’s Mash-Up Monday, as DarkHyperSonic7 has demonstrated with Aquarium Park Act 1 and “Dragon Dance.” Give it a listen below!