Sonic Mayhem Continues 8-Bit Greatness


You’ve seen countless Genesis and Advance-styled Sonic fangames, but there is only one project out there that is channeling the look and feel of the 8-bit adventures.  I’ve talked about Sonic Mayhem before and I have been always one to praise the project.  Over the weekend, the project’s lead, Amesuki, has released a short demo, pictures of the new zones, and a gameplay video.

The brief demo (download here) runs for about a minute and, to me, is a picture perfect re-creation of the 8-bit Sonic games.  The music, the graphics, and the physics all feel correct.  I just wish it were longer!

Check the video for gameplay of one of the best fangames around and hit the break for screenshots of other levels.

Continue reading Sonic Mayhem Continues 8-Bit Greatness

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Fanatics: Game Gear Fangame Action!

January 8th’s 9th’s  featured player is my main man, Amesuki, and his glorious return to the fangaming scene. He has returned to shed some light on new details of his fangame, Sonic Chase, formerly known as Sonic Mayhem 2. Sonic Chase is an 8-bit, Game Gear adventure, something that is rarely seen in the fangaming scene. Did I mention that there’s a demo?

Amesuki is planning on making a staggering 25 zones for Sonic Chase. A number that is down from his originally planned 35, but it’s still a feat nonetheless. He is also trucking along in order to finish this game in time for SAGE 2009. He might be the only person there with a finished game!

Hit the break for a gameplay video of Mechanic Coil, Act 1. Continue reading Fanatics: Game Gear Fangame Action!

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