Aliens: Colonial Marines has a Sonic 3 Reference

Aliens: Colonial Marines was released last week and… it’s pretty bad. No really, it’s bad, and not in the good ‘Who’s bad!?’ kind of way. Anyway, it’s also a game that’s full of hidden Easter Eggs, including a reference to the Special Stages from Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles. Continue reading Aliens: Colonial Marines has a Sonic 3 Reference

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E3 2011: GameSpot’s Video Tour of SEGA’s E3 Booth


GameSpot took a tour of SEGA’s E3 booth earlier and thanks to SSMB member Woun we have a YouTube recording of that for you to check out above. The Sonic Generations area is up first with pods for the game and merchandise galore. We even see someone testing out the 3D console version with the aid of a group of Motobugs in the options. Other game areas shown include Aliens: Colonial Marines, Renegade Ops, Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing for iPad and Guardian Heroes.

Thanks again to Woun at the SSMB for the YouTube upload!

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