Perms for Herms Art Contest: We Have A Winner!

Perms for Herms Art Contest: We Have A Winner!

A few weeks back, we set you guys the task of sticking a crazy barnet on the heads of your favourite Sonic characters. We received a whole barrel load of entries, and they’ve certainly given us a laugh! So, before we get to our winner, we’ve got some other noteworthy entries and some runner-ups too!!!




I don’t know where Shadow shops for hair products, but I certainly need one of those Chaos Combs! You’ve got to love the airbrushed effects done by Osnic! Jose Holguin sent in the entry of a rather sauve looking Eggman – are those Chaos emerald buttons? And where did he get the comb over from? Nice job dude!!! O eee ooo aa-aa! Ting tang, walla-walla bing bang! I think Tails should really put his Now 34 cassettes away; the Cartoons aren’t cool anymore! Absolutely crackers  – awesome, Peda!!! Finally…Sonic really does not look happy with his new “SEGA approved” haircut…Kyle Patterson should really be brought in to do something about Silver’s hair nightmare!!!



The first of our 3rd place entries is by Cannie Ngui with her drawing of Amy. Picked by our resident news-hog Shadzter, he had this to say: “This picture gives me a tingly feeling! I love the hair style, the Sonic headband and the pony tail with the small sonic figure on the end of it. Very creative and awesome drawing skills. 10/10 from moi.” – You’ve won yourself a copy of Sonic Universe Issue 1!


Knuckles expression here is pure win…and that’s before we even start talking about the hair! What really wins me over is the crazy eyebrows…Knuckles really looks good! Well done to Naysu – you’ve also won yourself a copy of Sonic Universe Issue 1!



We’re worried about Marcus a.k.a. ProjectZuel…very worried! I wonder where Sonic got his new extensions from? I’m a total sucker for cell shading and this is such an awesome example! Congratulations on second place – Sonic Universe Issue 1 AND a copy of the Sonic Archie Archives Volume 10 are now yours!


The winner of the contest, and a shiny autographed and doodled in copy of Matt Herm’s sketch book is Adamis’ entry of Big the Cat. We literally had to do a double take on this one. Big’s bound to pick up chicks with that head of hair! Supreme commander B’man says “My personal sexuale entry is Adamis’ Big. Just that look on his face… yeah, you’ve got it…”. Remy, SSMB staffer extrodinare agrees: “The big entry blows the rest out of the water, so awesome.”

Congratulations to all our winners, and a big thumbs up to everyone who entered; it was hard choosing entries, as so many of you had obviously spent a lot of time and effort, as well as thought on your designs! Keep your eyes peeled for more competitions coming your way!

Winners: We shall be in contact shortly for your addresses!

Thanks be to Roarey Raccoon and the rest of the TSS gang for helping out on the competition judging!

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. lol, I couldn’t help but think of Harley from the new Pokemon series when I saw Big. So, so random! So, so creepy! So, so AWESOME! Good job everyone, they all looked great! (At least the ones I’ve seen 😛 )

  2. LOL big looks hilarious XD great job to everyone, im so glad i got joint 3rd 😀 ! thankyou!!

  3. HOLAS: ™

    AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_<

    CAN’T HANDLE…… TEH AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!! X_x

    srsly, i though eggman picture was the best till i saw that first place….. just…… WOW (and i’m not talking about a mediocre MMO)

  4. Good lord! I wasn’t expecting THAT! I can’t stop laughing..that deserves 1st place! XD

  5. 3rd place.. I can’t believe I will actually win anything after hearing critics from my relatives xDD It all adds up when I received no comments when I posted it up on dA xP

  6. Big got again a point XD

    still love the amy one it is the first time i liked amys appearence
    ahh and lets hope sonic give tails his tails again

  7. Noteworthy is absolutely enough for me, thanks. Adamis did a really great job on that picture. That idea is so crazy and awsome so he really derservs to win in my opinion.

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