Perms for Herms: Win Signed Matt Herms Sketchbook

Perms for Herms: Win Signed Matt Herms Sketchbook

So, you fancy winning yourself a copy of Matt Herm’s Sketchbook? Not only has this renowned Archie comics artist signed this book of sketches, it’s also got a hand-drawn sketch of Sonic on the back page too!


Not too shabby a prize eh?

So, if you would like to add this cool-ass comic to your collection, get yer pencils out!

Sonic and the gang feel like their hairdoos just aren’t hip anymore – they’re just too nineties! So, what we want to do is to give your favourite Sonic character a new haircut, as our resident Roarey Raccoon demonstrates!


You don’t need to be an artist! Points will be awarded for style and originality! Closing date for entries is the 27th of March…so get scribbling!

Send all your entries to

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. I almost thought that you were selling permanent waves to hermaphrodites given the title.

  2. I have dreamed of this ALL MY LIFE!!!! ….. Or at least since Matt Herms started doing the artwork for them…not saying Spaz wasn’t epic…I just love Matt’s cartoony style! I REFUSE TO LOSE!!!!

  3. @Lukar: We got these sketchbooks directly from Matt. I assume he has a bunch of these you can buy if you meet him at conventions or something. However, the Sonic sketch in the back of the book is an exclusive sketch done specially for us/you. 🙂

    Good luck everyone!

  4. @ Osnic

    Thanks for the link. I just bought one, just in case I don’t win this (now I can have any character I want drawn in the back).

  5. I’ve got a question. For example if I win, how does it work when you’re going to send the sketch book? I just wonder.

  6. Done and sent! Finally a Sonic contest that is really up my alley (For all of you who don’t know, I’m the song that sang that Mother/Earthbound song for the Sonic Christmas contest last year)!

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