Feel The Magic XY/XX was arguably one of the best, if not strangest title to be released with the Nintendo DS last November. It’s no surprise that a sequel is in the works after the games success, the latest incarnation to be titled “Where Do Babies Come From?”. IGN Reports:
Sega has a new DS title in the works from the makers of Feel the Magic. According to reports out of Japan, the new game is a sequel of sorts to the DS launch title, although it has a completely new name, “Akachan wa Dokokara Kuruno?”. This name translates to English as “Where do Babies Come From?”.
The name alone ensures us this title will be the next chapter in the ongoing bizarre love story between our blue haired protagonist and the female whom he chased throughout the first game.
Thanks to Invader Tails from The Sonic Stadium’s own SSMB forums for the link. Stay with SONIC NEWS for more information and the first images as they surface.