Ken Penders: Knuckles’ Story Will See Major Developments in Sonic #106

The latest community chat with Archie Comics artist Ken Penders has just wrapped up, and as usual it did not disappoint with the juicy teasers and details. For a start, Penders discusses more about the death of one key character in the mainline comic story (and why he wanted to go in this direction). He also hints at changes happening to the Knuckles series starting in issue #106. Read on for more (warning: potential spoilers ahead).

Speaking of Sonic #106, Penders revealed that Lara-Su will “finally show up… and that alone should answer a lot of questions” about the “major developments” that will be kicking off from the Knuckles saga in that issue. “Lara-Su’s colors are finally shown in SONIC #106 – and no, I don’t know what they are, as I gave Josh Ray (now regular colorist) free rein to do what he felt like.”

On the specific topic of Sally, Penders added, “[The comic’s format will change] on the level of Sally’s death (only no one is getting killed off) and it is permanent… Sally was not originally in the games, so I felt I would take Sonic more towards his roots with the stories after issue #50. That, plus I was more intrigued with the anime version of Sonic.”

More info from the chat can be found below.

  • Right now, I’m working on several projects — inking a Knuckles story, working on Data files for the Archie website — plus a romance graphic novel, as well as my Lost Ones graphic novel, along with a couple of television scripts. A friend got me involved with those last two items. Can’t say which shows yet because of the way they’re being submitted (My friend has connections). The only thing I will say is that they’re not sit-coms or cartoons (though I have an offer to work on one).
  • The data files you’ll soon see on the Archie webpage will include Sonic, Knuckles, Tails and Amy Rose.
  • The Sonic comics are still going strong. I just submitted a script for issue #116.
  • Mammoth Mogul eventually appears if only to help resolve a storyline that’s been out there for a long while now.
  • Benny Lee was recruited by Justin.
  • I do offer back issues already on my site to anywhere in the world. I just need to update it as the most recent issue listed is #85 (I think). My oldest issues are #18 and #24, and I’m about sold out on those. Check out the ONLINE STORE & MORE page elsewhere on my site. I’ll have more EBAY auctions, as I’ve just gotten some more art returned, including more covers from Patrick, as well as the first of Dawn’s pages (if she so decides).
  • Essentially, I’m going to spend the next 12 issues worth of Knuckles stories resolving some major plotlines as I’ve gotten the go-ahead to make a huge format change to Knuckles.
  • The reason you haven’t seen the answers to the family tree yet are due more to evens connected with my move.
  • The Lost Ones will come out either late this year or early next. I hope to have completed pages (including coloring) available for display online in the not-too-distant future.
  • Fry will not be returning in the foreseeable future.
  • I’m not concerned about Knux’s 2nd child (yet) as the 20 Years Later material hasn’t been addressed (yet).
  • I will be in San Diego for the convention this year, and if any other Sonic creators will be attending, they should let me know so i can post the info on the letters page. Dawn should be attending as well. I won’t be doing any cons on the east coast this year. Maybe next year.
  • Crabmeat will be eventually popping up again.
  • The Tails situation is being worked out between Karl and Benny.
  • Kommisar DOES get a more prominent role in upcoming issues.
  • Julie-Su mixes it up real good in an upcoming issue. No damsel in distress is she.
  • I like [Big the Cat], and I’m thinking of using him in Knuckles.
  • Considering Knuckles has been GREEN for so long, I’d [say] that’s proof alone that Sega is easing up in some ways.
  • As for my favorite Sonic/Knuckles character, there’s way too many for me to narrow it down to just one.
  • As for what happens after death, there is a storyline dealing specifically on that subject entitled “Afterlife”.
  • Art Mawhinney will be coming back for an issue or two.
  • Spaz is currently doing an X-Men special, and hopefully he’ll finally be able to work on that Sonic story we were going to do for the Super Specials.

Source: Ken’s Comic Book Stories and Art

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