A few weeks ago, SSMB member, Inferno, created a thread to reminise on the joyous feeling we all had when we learned that Sonic was in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. The topic came at a time when people wanted to kill each other, because critics were slamming Unleashed. A perfect time for good vibes.
DeviantArt user, musetrigger, had posted this over 14 months ago, but I had just found it yesterday. Notable features of this work that I fancy include Sonic’s overt sense of attitude, the detail on Mario’s beaten face, and the phrase “nothing fan-fiction about it.” Rather appropriate, considering that I said that to my friends upon Sonic’s announcement.
“Now, nobody has to write Mario vs. Sonic fan fiction. People can just play Brawl now, which is 1,000% more entertaining.”
“What about the Olympic Games?”
“That’s only 300% more fun. Still a good margin, though. Wait, who the fuck would make a fan fiction about that?”