[UPDATE!] Sonic Boom: “The first CG Animated Film in the Sonic Franchise”

sonicboom film[UPDATE: SEGA have since released the following statement in the wake of the Nuremberg Toy fair:

SEGA is yet to announce details of upcoming console video games for Sonic the Hedgehog or further details regarding the new Sonic CG TV series.  The recent information coming out of Nuremburg Toy Fair was incorrect.  For official and up to date news regarding Sonic the Hedgehog please go to www.sonicthehedgehog.com or follow Sonic on Twitter (@sonic_hedgehog).

We will, as always, keep you dudes and dudettes up-to-date on any and all announcements! – T]

At the Nuremberg Toy Fair, there was a sign which has caused a bit of a stir by confirming a new Sonic game is in production, however the sign also had a strange piece of information regarding the new cartoon ‘Sonic Boom’ due for broadcast at the end of this year.

That being “The first CG Animated Film in the Sonic Franchise”

Now this could be interpreted in a number of ways… It’s either in reference to the fact the cartoon as a whole is CG animated which has not happened before.

Or, that Sonic Boom has a much larger linking story than we’re being led to believe.

Or…. … … That there is a much larger Sonic Animated Film in development?

Personally, I can’t see it being a stand alone film, it’s more likely one of the first 2 options. Hey who knows, maybe I’m wrong and there is a movie on the way.

Anyway, I figured you would all find this of some interest given how lacking news on the cartoon has been lately.

Source: Spindash.de

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  1. It’s also possible that the cartoons will eventually be compiled into a direct to DVD film a-la Donkey Kong Country: Legend of the Crystal Coconut.

    1. Not capitalizing the W in “world” shows that the makers of the poster were a little careless, so accidentally using “film” makes sense. Also, this is in Germany; maybe there’s a translation error.

    1. Well, the news of a Sonic film has been circulating for awhile now, and the website has been registered by Sony Pictures.


  3. They probably just mean film as in film in general, not film in movie?
    But you never know

    (more interested in that toy to the right of the picture.. “Exclusive collectors.. blank”

  4. I’m going to disappoint everyone and say that due to information I got from a recent interview I did for Sonic Talk that it’s more than likely NOT a major movie release, but a direct to video DVD movie based off Sonic Boom. Possibly several episodes tied together.

    1. I guess this means it might not be feature length? The episodes are 11 minutes after all and putting together too many episodes=messy story.

  5. I tweeted to SEGA asking about it. I’ll let you guys know when I got a reply. It saying first CGI film after it reveals info abou the show is rather suspicios to me.

  6. Woah. Hang on here, new Sonic 2015 title.. for Wii U, PS4, and Xbox One. The third Nintendo/SEGA game has not yet been announced, and this one here is for multiple consoles. Does this assure us that there are now two Sonic games incoming?

    1. I think that it’s one game that was gonna be an exclusive but Sega might have bailed out of the exclusivity deal due to Lost World’s rather slow performance. Take it with a grain of salt, pure speculation here.

  7. I do very much enjoy all this news. Thank you Jazwares for literally posting this super-amazing poster! 🙂

  8. Why are a lot of people assuming that there’s a Sonic movie coming out based on this poster? It’s much more likely a translation error or a typo.

    1. I think they’re aiming lower and lower in the numbers all the time. I wish it was 6 – 25… meaning someone who grew up with the first game could still enjoy it on another level.

  9. Most likely it will have episodes pilled together to make it seem like a movie for when the show launches, Cartoon Network does that, as seen with Fosters home for imaginary friends when that started, it begun with a film which was the first 3 episodes pilled together.

  10. What about Night of the Werehog??! That was CGI, that was a little film, and that was certainly Sonic.

  11. Here’s hoping they’re figured out the designs…

    In any case, I’m not entirely convinced it is a movie. Film gets interchanged a lot with series, I find, so I’m betting it was more of a mistake than some super secret clue. Will a movie happen? Eventually, yes, I’m sure it will, but I’m not convinced this is it. Making a movie on a show they aren’t sure is going to do well (and with possibly radical redesigns) seems far too risky, even for Sega.

  12. Is so Bomber of the new Sonic game 2015 not coming yet by Sega. Because of the new Sonic tv show called Sonic Boom release date October 2015 and Sega and Sony or DreamWorks to make new Sonic The Hedgehog Movie yes there is going to be Sonic The Hedgehog and Miles Tails Prower, or Cream The Rabbit, and Dr. Eggman, then E13 Omega, Robot Knuckles The Echidna, last Sonic Character is Big The Cat with Froggy this time. release date for California is May 23, 2014 for Europe release date is May 24, 2014 then Japan release date is July 21, 2014 for Movie Theather trickets. this time limit movie is going to be 98:00 to watch it Well I know a lot of Shadow The Hedgehog fans say Sega why you didn’t put Shadow The Hedgehog in Sonic Lost World games for Wii U and 3DS and the new Sonic movie of Sonic The Hedgehog to put Shadow The Hedgehog in this movie! maybe Sega hate Shadow The Hedgehog to be not famous the Sonic Series or franchise?

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