Sound Test Saturday Archives: Now Loading…

Before the big move to SEGASonic:Radio, I believe that enough time has passed for me to, in a sense, archive all of the Sound Test Saturdays we’ve had over the past three months.

As we move on to bigger things on this column, feel free to dive back into the past and listen through all of the Sound Tests featured on The Sonic Stadium! Should everything go as planned, you can catch up to us on SEGASonic:Radio next week as Freen in Green will be interviewed!

You can catch May and June after the jump!


A Funky Premiere of Green Symphonies! Our kickoff on the new weekly column, showcasing Acts 1 and 2 of TheSymphonicGames’ Badnik Factory, a groovy drum cover of Hydrocity Zone Act 2 by FunkFlash, and Freen in Green’s take on Frog Forest from Sonic Heroes, “The Serene Beauty”.

What if Sound Test Saturday… had lyrics? The second issue highlights some hot vocal work from Smooth4Lyfe with “Heart of Fire” (Crisis City), and a rap duet between Darkspeeds and Speedio322 for “Speedway Jam” (Speed Highway).

Green Groves and Jet Set! A very nice and faithful re-interpretation of Green Grove Act 1 from Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis) by Dr. Mack Foxx and EspioKaos, and a very cool Sonic-based original track for Jet Set Radio, put together by Ryuuji14, are featured.

CageKame’s Legendary Rock Covers: Sonic 3 & Knuckles gets some love from this talented Italian guitarist. Sky Sanctuary and Ice Cap gain some awesome solos as a result!


Tales of a Hedgehog: A purely Storybook-centric Sound Test, a Classic-esque Evil Foundry by DjReds starts things off. xTrickyWolfy and sonicsneakers (alternatively FireGXLOL) collaborate on a kickass Dragon’s Lair cover, and a remastered version of Freen in Green’s “Unawakening Float” from The Sonic Stadium Music Album 2011 is featured.

Unlimited Colours! Once featuring something from someone who can’t handle criticism and took his video down as a result, the main highlight turns to xTrickyWolfy combining Aquarium Park and Mystic Mansion, of all possible things there are to combine! Also, I discover that Tricky is, in fact, a lovely young woman. Fancy researching skills, Vizard.


Spinball Edition: Things begin to go uphill as we approach Sonic’s 21st anniversary. 5 tracks in total have been featured, all pertaining to Sonic Spinball! Howard Drossin remakes his Toxic Caves, Paul Stetich remixes it again into Toxic Rave; Carbo (aka Plumegeist) has his No Quarter(s) track from TSSMA’11 showcased; Lava Powerhouse gets a double take as well through Entities’ “Industrial Powerhouse” and Ring Energy’s “Before the Machine”. Ring Energy is a group consisting of Psyguy as the musician, SolidJake as the male vocalist and lyricist, and Serenamidori as the female vocalist; Frobman contributes his animating skills for the music video.

Generational Stylings: We take a look at a few Sonic Generations-inspired remixes. Highlighting Melpontro’s upcoming Sky Troops stage, a White World theme is put together by zachhinchy and Falk. Lumo93 makes a unique Modern tune off of Ice Cap, and Pyramid Cave gets the Classic treatment by Yannick Jason (I hear a custom stage is in the works for this one too)!

Summer is Upon Us! One week before school’s out for summer as one of the best Sound Test Saturdays goes live! jparecki95 covers Emerald Coast’s “Azure Blue World” amazingly, and deserves the praise for it. Ring Energy returns with another lyrical take on a Sonic tune, this time being Sea Gate from Sonic Heroes, with Kirbopher contributing the lyrics and GetVent handling the artwork. WillRock honours Knuckles Chaotix by opening the Door into Summer while RecorderDude and Mystical Pyro Freak parodizes Sonic Rush Adventure brilliantly through Pirates’ Island. We finish off with Tee Lopes and his beautiful rendition of Starlight Zone.

-And finally, the 21st Anniversary Edition! Showcasing a myriad of names and songs, covers, remixes, and originals, this birthday bash is not to be missed! 21 artists, 21 tracks!

See you all next week (maybe)!

Found an interesting remix, cover, or original tune? Would you want to have your own work featured on a future Sound Test Saturday? If you’ve answered yes to either of these questions, do not hesitate to send them over to!

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Unparalleled Canadian greatness! Jeffrey is a writer for TSS and Gamnesia, a pianist obsessed with video game music, and a recent university graduate majoring in Communications. Loves all things Sonic and Nintendo to a fault.


    1. It’ll be on SEGASonic:Radio from now on, though new articles will be linked through TSS with RSS based trickery. xD Sort of like how The Sonic Show updates.

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