Fan-Organised New Years Eve Sonic Party Wants Your Attendance

Fan-Organised New Years Eve Sonic Party Wants Your Attendance

New Year’s Eve is a special night to see out the last twelve months with friends and family. But what if your friends and family are fellow Sonic the Hedgehog fans? Then you might want to check out this fan-planned New Years Eve party, by the organisers of the (unofficial) Summer of Sonic 2011 pre-party.

It will be located at the same venue – Jetlag bar, 125 Cleveland Street in London – and will feature Sonic music, HD cinema screens for multiplayer Sonic races and a range of food and beverages on an all-you-can-eat basis. Naturally, you’ll need to be over 18 to attend.

Attendance will cost £35 per person, and a minimum of 50 people need to be signed up before the venue can actually be booked and secured. So if you want to go, make your voice heard on the Facebook page sharpish, like.

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. I’d love to come, but can’t since I live in America. 🙁 Well anyway, I wish everyone who can attend the party a great time. 🙂

    1. Have you checked out youth hostels? You know the earlier you book, the cheaper it is, and I’m sure if you look around you can probably find some clever discounts or shack up with some friends for the night! 🙂

  2. Thanks Dreadknux for the plug…

    Hi everyone, I’m the one behind all this. Sonic’s been very well celebrated by the global fan community this year – what with the likes of Sonic Boom, Summer of Sonic, the unofficial SoS pre-party I organised together with Jennytablina, Sonic Generations and much more! The intention of this party is to take advantage of a once in a lifetime opportunity to give Sonic’s 20th Anniversary the almighty final send-off it deserves!

    This was £45 per person at first, which included a tab of £1,500 worth of food and drink for everyone to order. The disappointingly low response we have recieved so far put this party in danger of going under… but I managed to pull some strings and not only get an extra £100 added to the tab for us, but the entry fee has also come down to £35 per person!

    I can’t stress enough how much I want this to be a success. We’ve already recieved firm support from AAUK over at Sonic Wrecks as well as a few other key members of our wonderful community. This is going to be the closest thing in the WORLD to Summer of Sonic that you will find this winter, but it can’t be done unless 50 people walk through the door on the night… and we’re not even half way there yet.

    Please lend us your support, come and spend an unforgettable New Years Eve with us in the name of Sonic the Hedgehog for just £35 which includes an all-you-can-eat/drink open bar! That’s not bad for your entire New Year’s Eve in Central London, is it now?

    There might even be a few very special surprises in store for you…

      1. @Blade – Same here…

        @Rio – GOOD LUCK! Don’t stress out too much, I’m sure everything will work out in the end, you just got to spread the word out more! Post aa Youtube video, copy and paste your comments, etc!

  3. That’s a lot of money to pay considering the fact that some people will have paid around that much to get the train there in the first place…

    I think I’ll pass.

    1. I can understand people pay a fair amount for travel… but if you think about it, people who go out for New Year’s Eve, especially in Central London, usually pay more than twice that amount. This is going to be a great party and it will be worth every penny. The entry fee pays for the bar tab, and that’s it! If I wasn’t obligated to make sure £1600 is spent at the bar, I’d let you all in for free!

  4. I would go but I don’t have a Facebook account to say that I would be coming, not to mention that i don’t want a facebook account

  5. If you guys have this event again in 2 years when I’m gonna be 18 and I get the money to fly over, sure I’ll go!

  6. Hmm, I’m not 18 until February and worse thing is I don’t even like alcohol but I know I.D is I.D regardless.

  7. Huh, speaking of Sonic parties, anyone know when we usually find out the dates for Summer of Sonic? Or if there is going to be one in 2012?

  8. I really wanted to go but I can’t a lot of reasons 🙁 I hope everyone attending will enjoy this though 🙂 don’t worryRio I’m sure things will work out fine 🙂 this is a big treat for some fans

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