Sonic Generations PSN/XBLA Demo Announced

In an update to their Twitter feed, SEGA reports that Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka has announced a demo for the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Sonic Generations at the SEGA of America’s Sonic Boom event. No details have been revealed as to when we can expect the demo to arrive on the PlayStation Store and Xbox Live Marketplace or what stage is included, but when that information is made available we’ll pass it along.

Source: SEGA’s Twitter Feed
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    1. SWEET! 😀 it doesn’t matter what stage(s) there are, but at least SEGA is giving us a demo!! Although I don’t expect the demo until Sonic’s Birthday! 🙂 God bless you SEGA!

    2. i was thinking the same thing, maybe we’ll get to play city escape but lets not push it ;P

      1. if i comes out on sonic birthday wouldnt that make it pointless that it is playable at summer of sonic which is after sonics birthday :/

        1. ….SOS is the22nd, and Sonic’s Birthday is on the 23rd…Umm, SOS is 1 day before Sonic’s Birthday, and it doesn’t make anything pointless. People aren’t coming just to play SG, your just being selfish. People are coming to SOS to celebrate his 20th B-day!

  2. pifff the demo is only going to have Green Hill Zone both Classic and Modern versions. So I wouldn’t get our hopes too high for other Zones.

    1. So? Lol I can’t wait to play this new green hill zone on my tv

      Damn, I would be happy if they even added City Escape so its a 4-level demo 😀

  3. ^Hey, at least it’s something until the game comes out.

    I’m pumped for this. 😀

  4. Please let Kingdom Valley to be one of the stages in Sonic Generations……

    1. Yeah, Myamoto did say that Demos for Downloadable and retail were available, so it could happen. 😀

  5. Man, I really hope this comes out soon, preferably Sonic’s birthday. If not, waiting til the holidays is gonna be PAINFUL. …Well, as AoSth Sonic would say, “I’m waaaaaaaitiiiiiiiiing.”

  6. OH HELLLL FRIGGING YESH FINNALY A DEMO but i swear to god i dont wanne buy another 20 euro’s card for psn i hope it will be free i got like 4 euros left T^T DAMN LBP AND YOUR FUN COMUNITY STUFF

    1. I am sure it’s free man. Every demo is free. Don’t worry about it. Just download the demo and


  7. Should give away too many levels in the demo. I’ve barely see a demo with 2 full levels. But I would like the chance to play as both Sonic’s. My idea is to have 2 levels (both Green Hill) but put a 1 – minute time limit on both!

  8. Demo…. FUCK YEAH!
    Can’t wait =D
    Although i hope sega is using this demo to be smart and has like a feedback form at the end so they can see which areas need improvement to make this game better than it already is.

  9. Hm, well Sonic 06’s demo was of Kingdom Valley but it wasn’t the entire stage. I know how the game turned out, but that’s not the point.

    The point is, it COULD be possible the demo won’t let you go through the endire stage (which is cool with me, won’t ruin the whole thing. =P) Tho I think they probably will show the whole stage, unless the videos we’ve seen so far ARE the demo versions and the full versions are longer. idk XD

  10. I’m buying a 360 just to frickin play this game. Well, that and Portal 2. 😀

    1. Haha, I am going to do the same xD
      Just because of these 2 games 😀

  11. Yeah the only 2 game series im really into are sonic and half life “which includes portal”

  12. Awesome. And it’d be a really nice touch to add City Escape, I personally loved the Adventure series a lot.

    1. Especially after having to wait close to over a MONTH for a replacement >~< HERE HERE! \^o^/

  13. Sweet. And I just got Adventure 2 battle on ebay so I’ll have something to do until the demo. Plus I would get to play the original city escape

  14. Nice, I didn’t even know there was a demo in the works! This makes me a excited, I’d love to play it, even if it is just Green Hill Zone. (City Escape would be a nice perk though. LOL.) I hope there is one for the 3ds version as well. When is Sonic’s official birthday? Later this month, right?

  15. If not June 23, then definitely SoS. As to which levels, that depends. Think about it: 2 way past cool, ultra re-vamped versions of Green Hill, 20 years later from its original release date back in 1991 featuring, for the first time ever, Classic Sonic rendered in current gen HD CG. The same could ALSO be said for City Escape since it came out on the 10th Anniversary back in 2001. Honestly, with how much they’re showing us and what’s playable, I REALLY would not be surprised in the slightest if ALL of the playable content from Sonic Boom and E3 was made available for download. Bad enough we’ve gotta wait till November for the game, right? Least SEGA and Sonic Team could do is give us a great load of content from said game to satiate the masses…as well as a most awesome “Thank You” for Moving with the Quickness since 1991. Either way, I’m more than happy to wait to see what they’ve got in store for us all. ^-^

    1. Dude, give SEGA a break 😛 I can be patient enough till November, and you should be able to too 🙂 I agree w/ you, if not SOS, then it might be Sonic’s Birthday or the day after. I wouldn’t expect SEGA to give us a lot of content, just GHZ…think, some people who can’t go to SOS are dieing to play GHZ, so SEGA is being nice enough to release a simple demo. Don’t expect to much

    2. Dude, give SEGA a break 😛 I can be patient enough till November, and you should be able to too 🙂 I agree w/ you, if not SOS, then it might be Sonic’s Birthday or the day after. I wouldn’t expect SEGA to give us a lot of content, just GHZ…think, some people who can’t go to SOS are dieing to play GHZ, so SEGA is being nice enough to release a simple demo. Don’t expect too much !

      1. As I DO understand the probability of such a thing happening…

        *takes to random theater stage draped with over dramatic cloak in same said pose*

        PLEASE! LEAVE ME BE TO MY DELUSIONS OF SONIC FANDOM GRANDEUR and leave me be to dream of a day to have such fantasy become reality…


        Yeah I know, I know. Still’d be cool tho. XD

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