Rumour: New Sonic Announced Oct. 22nd? Anniversary Game Like Colours, SEGA Rep Comments

Rumour: New Sonic Announced Oct. 22nd? Anniversary Game Like Colours, SEGA Rep Comments

UPDATE: TJ Selinka asked some SEGA reps at NYCC about the Sonic Anniversary game, but could only get a “no comment”. Seems SEGA’s being very tightlipped about this rumor. /UPDATE END

Hot off the heels of today’s earlier rumours of a new Sonic Anniversary game and a new Mario & Sonic collaboration title, we’ve now got word from Platform Nation’s Scott diMonda that an embargoed Sonic game was on show at SEGA’s recent New York press event. The game is apparently a “sequel” and improves upon its predecessor. diMonda claims that details about this game will be released on October 22nd together with screenshots.

Recently I had the opportunity to attend a Sega event held at the Shoreham Hotel in NYC and got a look at Segaโ€™s upcoming lineup and yes there was plenty of Sonic to go around and there is one game I am particularly stoked for but due to an embargo I canโ€™t talk about what I seen so I wont even tease you about the game as you will see my take on this sequel that is going to be well worth the wait and the improvements are noticeable right away, but that is for another day (October 22nd) and I promise to bring along some screen shots for your viewing pleasure.

Source: Plaform Nation

We’ve also heard from the guys at Sonic Reikai, who broke the initial rumours that the Sonic Anniversary game. The guys heard from SEGA of Spain reps that the game will play in 2D and 3D perspectives, just like in Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Colours.

The anniversary one is a remake in 2D and 3D (As Unleashed, he dropped that but he didn’t said that clearly). Well, when he said that it will going to be a remake of the best Sonic levels, I asked him: “In 2D and 3D?” and he said: “In 2D AND 3D” , then I asked him again anyway “But in 2D and 3D” (and I pointed out the Colours game) and he replayed pointing out the same game: “In 2D and 3D”

Source: SSMB

Take all of this with a grain of salt for now until we hear something solid or official. For now, discuss these latest developments in the comments.

Thanks to Blue Comeback at the SSMB for the heads-up!

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  1. Wait, so that makes two new games?! It seemed at first (as of last night), Anniversary would be THE 20th anniversary game, but it seems that it couldn’t be a sequel to anything if it’s a “best of” game.

    My head is going to explode from all of the excitement.

  2. Sonic 4 Episode 2, perhaps? Or maybe Sonic Adventure 3? Lets see… what other games deserve a sequel (looks through list of Sonic games) Sonic CD? Sonic 06? I GOT IT. SONIC CHRONICLES… SHIT.

  3. I can’t blame them for using the Unleashed/Colors gameplay…

    I thought it was fun ๐Ÿ˜€
    and heck I’m a 3D Sonic game person DDDx

    looking forward to it.

  4. @ Dakota Jones

    Ya, i think it’s sonic adventure 3 also!

    It’s about time, and if sega wants to bring back the best of sonic, why not continue one of the best of the series?

  5. @BoyleVoices You know what? It very well COULD be a Sonic Heroes 2! Good observation!

  6. I actually don’t want to see a Sonic Adventure 3. If Shadow and Sonic 06 showed us anything, it’s that Sonic needs to move on from that style of gameplay. I think maybe they will announce that a new Sonic Rush game is that 3DS title.

  7. I actually donโ€™t want to see a Sonic Adventure 3. If Shadow and Sonic 06 showed us anything, itโ€™s that Sonic needs to move on from that style of gameplay. I think maybe they will announce that a new Sonic Rush game is that 3DS title.

  8. Please, no Sonic Heroes 2, thats to much knuckels for my taste.

    I agree with Dakota, Sonic Adventure 3 would be wonderfull. It kinda makes sense. Sonic Adventure just released on xbox/ps3, with I guess Sonic Adventure 2 followeing next year (i hope)…. If it continues with a full sonic adventure 3 game… i mean, that would be great. (please no big/amy)

    But Sonic Unleashed 2 without the werehog would be THEY MOST amazing game to date.

  9. Who cares what’s it called? Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) could easily have been named Sonic Adventure 3 and Sonic Advance could have easily been named Sonic the Hedgehog 4. Names aren’t important.

  10. @MamaLuigiBarrelRoll LOL

    I am really excited for this, I hope it’s an SA3 that can be playable in HD and on Wii systems. Or if they improved the 06 formula.

  11. PLEASE! BE SONIC HEROES 2! ITS AMAZING! I’VE WAITED YEARS FOR A SEQUEL! PLEASE LET ME SCREAM WITH JOY! Please not Sonic Chronicles 2, that would not be good! Sonic Adventure 3… not bad. Probably be an OK game! But, what do we want? SONIC HEROES 2! When do we want it? OCTOBER 22ND! P.S. While you’re at it, why not make a Sonic X Season 4! Please, I need one!

  12. I think it’s a Sonic Heroes 2. The possibility of a title like that being made was made months ago, and I think that Sonic Team decided to go through with it. Or maybe the Chaotix sequel (that Iizuka wanted to make) was given the green light.

  13. It better freakin’ be Chronicles 2. I HATE IT when a sequel to something that ends with a cliffhanger (spoiler oops) takes forever to even get confirmed. Also I’m one of the few people who actualy like Shade.

    Sonic Heroes was my first Sonic game and Sonic Adventure is just naturally AWESOME!!

  15. i think it is sonic heros 2. think about it. it cant be sonic adventure 3 because thats a “threequal” (for lack of a better word, lol) not a sequel. cant have a sequal to sonic adventure 2 cuzz sonic adventer 2 is a sequal to sonic adventure (stay with me folks) it cant be sonic unleashed cuz sonic colors is a sequal to that. the only logical choice concerning sequels is sonic heros 2.

  16. If they call a Sonic game Sonic Adventure 3 it doesnt atomically equals GOOD. Hell, Sonic ’06 is basically a Sonic Adventure 3, the only thing it didn’t use is it’s name and just cause the first games were good back then doesn’t mean a 3rd game would have the same success.

  17. Sonic Adventure 3: I so Hope so!
    Sonic Heroes 2: that would be cool
    Chaotix sequel: I didn’t play the first one so…
    Sonic Chronicles 2: I hope not…but it likely to be more then any of these.

  18. it might not be a chronicals 2 since that is one of the games being pulled from shelves so it would be wierd to have a sequal to a game which is no longer on the market

  19. Could be Chronicles 2 or Sonic Unleashed 2 Perhaps?
    For all we know it could be Shadow the Hedgehog 2 =P *shot repeatedly* just kidding.
    It does sound rather exciting though =)

  20. These make sense to me the most
    Sonic Chronicles 2
    Next storybook game
    Sonic 4 Episode 2

    Wish it was something more exciting but I don’t think so, maybe Sonic Rush 3? Sonic Rivals 3? Sonic Adventure 3? If we’re lucky but lower chance for those ones

  21. @perry: Since when were there Sonic Fucking Adventures 1 or 2?

    … Actually, don’t answer that. =P

  22. You know if they were to make a Mario and Sonic platformer… It would be awesome if it was like Sonic carrying Mario on his back going through crazy loops and awesome speed, then when the more precise platforming areas comes in, Sonic throws Mario off his back and Sonic goes on Mario’s back or maybe follows behind him or something… haha I dunno I just thought that would be a lot of fun since it’s the best of both worlds ๐Ÿ˜€

  23. Knuckles Chaotix 2. Knuckles gets his own game featuring a fair few of the fans favourites, it keeps Sonic’s games ‘Sonic only’, and Mighty can make his return which is sure to please a lot of people.

    Either that, or I’ll go for a random guess of SEGA Sonic Arcade 2!?

  24. its not going to be shadow 2.scince the first game was so poorly recived sega scraped any ideas for a sequel . knucles should get his own beatem up/platformer game

  25. sonic Adventure 3? I doubt it. Sonic 06 was supposedly SA3 but failed. He said a “remake” NOT a BRAND NEW game. Sometimes I wonder where the knowledge lies when I read these comments. :/

  26. @Tiny

    Actually it says “The game is apparently a โ€œsequelโ€ and improves upon its predecessor” which implies it’s a sequel, not a remake. Please correct me if I’m wrong…

  27. Ok, people. Think for a second.

    It was only a few days ago when SEGA delisted several games off of the next-gen consoles. Not to mention that some ideas from previous games before that were never used again. When you put these things in mind:

    Sonic Heroes 2: They haven’t used the team mechanic in a long time, so I doubt it.

    Shadow the Hedgehog 2: The first one sucked, not to mention that the storyline was just a rushed excuse as to why Shadow died (when they brought him back because of fan feedback). There hasn’t been guns used in a Sonic game after that, and Sonic Team is aware that a rabid portion of the fanbase has a heart attack if they even SEE Shadow in another game. Not going to happen.

    Sonic 06 2: That game was a rushed piece of shit, not to mention the crappy storyline. I even seen fanfiction better than Sonic 06’s storyline (a sonic fanfic at that!). I will only accept a remake of it, in which EVERY single flaw is fixed, but considering how fans react to characters, I don’t think it’s going to happen.

    SATSR/SATBK 2: I’m just going to say this now: The storybook series needs to die.

    Sonic Unleashed 2: Despite how much I would really LOVE a sequel to that game (only without the werehog and the medal collecting), the game was already delisted from the shelves a few days ago. What’s the point of releasing a sequel if newer fans aren’t able to get the first game?

    Sonic Chronicles 2: I haven’t finished the game yet. However, like Unleashed, it was delisted.

    Sonic 3d Blast 2/Knuckles Chaotix 2: ……………………………………..

    The only logical possibility is Sonic Adventure 3, but knowing the fanbase, all hell will break loose if the gameplay is like unleashed.

    Get ready for the hellish crossfire from the Adventure/Unleashed battle and Voice War II….

  28. Sonic Battle 2/ Sonic Shuffle 2: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

  29. Well it can’t be Sonic Unleashed 2 because Sonic Colours is in a way Sonic Unleashed 2. I would love it to be Sonic Heroes 2 though. Sonic sections will play like Unleashed/Colours, Knuckles will have a more advanced combo system compared to the Werehog, and I don’t know how Tails will play like but if they made it like this…It’ll be such an awesome game IMO =)

  30. “Segaโ€™s upcoming lineup and yes there was plenty of Sonic to go around and there is one game I am particularly stoked for but due to an embargo I canโ€™t talk about what I seen so I wont even tease you about the game as you will see my take on this sequel that is going to be well worth the wait and the improvements are noticeable right away, but that is for another day (October 22nd) and I promise to bring along some screen shots for your viewing pleasure.”

    That whole run in sentence right there….I’m confused. Is he talking about a Sonic game or something else that he saw that got him excited? I wish that person was more clear.

  31. @
    Blayke LaRue

    i’m talking about the Anniversary game. It is a remake. If another game is being brought into the light, i’m unaware as the news hit yesterday with an anniversary game and a mario and sonic 3 supposedly…


  33. New Sonic Games: 2010-2011

    1.Sonic Colors
    2.Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
    3.Sonic Free Riders

    1.Sonic 3DS
    2.New Mario & Sonic game (Party or Adventure not Olympics)
    3.Sonic Anniversary Game

  34. You know I’m going with Heroes 2.
    Improvements could make the heroes formula truely interesting and the concept of playing with the triple threat at once just is awesome.
    SA3? Only with better camera, no completely alternate gameplay (you know fishing, shooting and suff) and Hubs that aren’t pointless.
    You know I could say this to both.
    Oh and just for fun SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 2 (2011)!!!!!!111!!11One!1!.

  35. I have said from the beginning that SA3 would be my guess…
    They released Sonic Adventure 2 for Sonics 10th, and now its his 20th…
    If they plan on making a Sonic adventure 3 for another one of Sonic’s decade anniversaries then they would have to wait another 10 years to make it.

    I think its gonna be Sonic Adventure 3 but it plays like the daytime stages in unleashed/colors, But i could be wrong.

  36. @krazeeKidd102
    While that logic does make sense i still hope it might be something other than adventure 3. Don’t get me wrong it would be cool but there are so many other games that could be made besides that. i just seems to predictable to be SA3 but who knows. for now i’m just going to worry about Colors and sonic 4.

  37. Let’s sort this out.

    -Sonic 4 Ep 2 – not likely because it’s classic gameplay only. Nothing like Sonic Colors.

    -Sonic Unleashed 2 – not likely because “Unleashed” referred to the WereHog and “World Adventure” referred to travelling the world due to Dark Gaia (cause of the Werehog). Both of those not likely to return to the franchise for obvious reasons.

    -Sonic Chronicles 2 – Though a possible existence, it’s not likely to be this. It’s not really a big enough impact on the franchise to take on this role in Sonic’s history, plus it’s a totally different gameplay.

    -Sonic Colors 2 – Not likely as Sonic Colors isn’t even out yet. (Sonic Colors being built off of the pros and cons of the franchise’s history and an influence of Sonic Unleashed’s success which had a project name of SA3 means that, like Unleashed, Colors is also working it’s way up to something better in the future)

    -Sonic Heroes 2 – So random it’s actually possible. But I don’t think it’s likely to have crossed SEGA’s mind, plus it was the first game to start the style Sonic was going down that gave him his “bad streak”. (It’s also the one with the most uselessly playable characters, so I doubt it)

    Sonic NextGen 2 – Considering it’s story, I doubt it. (It, too, was a project title of SA3 as we can see in the hub worlds being present in both Sonic 06 and Sonic Unleashed. Obviously these games didn’t go by the name because they weren’t good enough for the title)

    -Shadow The Hedgehog 2 – I don’t think there’s really anything left to that story. Shadow has his memory back. Sonic Heroes and Shadow The Hedgehog were just ways to make him try to realize his promise AGAIN because they don’t know what to do with Shadow. He hasn’t REALLY been in a mainstream storyline since (not including next gen). It’s likely all that’s left for him is being like Tails and Knuckles, still with spotlight but without being a focus of the story. (If they ever bring back Shadow, Tails and Knuckles that is)

  38. @Nuckles87
    quote Tetsu Katano-“If I think of any ideas [for improving the Werehog] then Sonic Unleashed 2 will be the time for that,” he explained. “But you will see the Werehog again.” he said we WILL see it again. he only said he’d like to see the improvements happen in unleashed 2. dont get me wrong though i don’t want to see him back!

  39. Let’s sort this out.

    -Sonic 4 Ep 2 – not likely because it’s classic gameplay only. Nothing like Sonic Colors.

    -Sonic Unleashed 2 – not likely because “Unleashed” referred to the WereHog and “World Adventure” referred to travelling the world due to Dark Gaia (cause of the Werehog). Both of those not likely to return to the franchise for obvious reasons.

    -Sonic Chronicles 2 – Though a possible existence, it’s not likely to be this. It’s not really a big enough impact on the franchise to take on this role in Sonic’s history, plus it’s a totally different gameplay.

    -Sonic Colors 2 – Not likely as Sonic Colors isn’t even out yet. (Sonic Colors being built off of the pros and cons of the franchise’s history and an influence of Sonic Unleashed’s success which had a project name of SA3 means that, like Unleashed, Colors is also working it’s way up to something better in the future)

    -Sonic Heroes 2 – So random it’s actually possible. But I don’t think it’s likely to have crossed SEGA’s mind, plus it was the first game to start the style Sonic was going down that gave him his “bad streak”. (It’s also the one with the most uselessly playable characters, so I doubt it)

  40. continuing from my previous post… sorry.. TSS was messing up at the time O-O)

    -Sonic Adventure 3 – It’s possible. It’s obvious SEGA is still thinking about it testing out ideas til they can come up with an SA3 (obviously they want it to be good if they weren’t willing to title Sonic 06 or Unleashed as “Sonic Adventure 3” in the end) Also, the Sonic games always outdid the previous game, but Sonic Heroes didn’t outdo SA2. After SA2, they ran out of ideas on how to outdo themselves. They’re rereleasing the Adventure series on XBLA and PSN. Sonic Adventure has already released. It’s possible they’ll release SA2 months later and then SA3 months afterwards. SA3 would also be a “sequel” (Sequel just means next direct chapter. All together it’d make the Adventure series a Trilogy is all) Sonic Adventure 3 is also more likely with the existence of Sonic 4. It’s also on a large demand. And since the Unleashed/Colors gameplay is the new gameplay for new mainstream console games then it could still be used in a new Adventure series game. However, despite it’s likeliness because of these factors, none of this is “evidence” and can be an accidental coincidence regardless of if SA3 is made. Thus, we still have nothing to say SA3 will be made other than speculation until something in regards to THIS game specifies any hint to the Adventure series directly.

    I would like to see an SA3. If there’s other fans who DON’T want to play SA3, then simply ignore it. Don’t wish it’s nonexistence cuz that’d ruin it for others. That’d be selfish. If it doesn’t exist, you don’t have to play it. If it does, you still don’t have to play it. This goes for ALL the possibilities I listed gathered from the guesses in the comments above. =)

    PS: Like some others have said, a title doesn’t mean a game will be good. Also, a title isn’t completely useless. Unless it’s CALLED “Sonic Adventure 3”, it’s NOT Sonic Adventure 3. There is no “technically” to it. But if they call it SA3, it’s title does tie in to the basis of the game, and it’s likely the title would be used only when they can successfully make a good game to represent the Adventure series.

  41. @sonicfan1984

    I meant to post this earlier but TSS was messing up for some reason. O-O

    Yeah, it’s deffinately a bad run-on sentence. Maybe I can reword it to make it better? XD

    “Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a SEGA event held at the Shoreham Hotel in NYC. I was able to look at SEGA’s upcoming lineup and there was plenty of Sonic to go around. There is one game I am particularly stoked for. Due to an embargo, I can’t talk about what I’ve seen so I won’t even tease you about the game. On October 22nd you will see my take on this sequel that is well worth the wait. I promise to bring along some screenshots for your viewing pleasure. The improvements are noticeable right away.”

    I hope I did good enough to make it more clear. ^^;

  42. Oh yeah, also to whatever comments above it was… I think it’s says “sequel”, which is the next chapter to something (regardless of if it’s part 2 or part 3 or even part 4 lol)

    But also, now that I think about it, this doesn’t necessarily seem to refer to a Sonic game. It could, but it doesn’t specifically say it does. It just mentions Sonic and A GAME. The guy wasn’t very clear. D:

    Also, the 20th anniversary game was revealed a while back (to whoever thought it was only revealed last night). The thing about it being a collab is what was revealed last night.. and that’s currently just a rumor for now. D:

    I know.. it feels like they’re toying with us huh? DX

  43. Or, you know… it could be Sonic the Hedgehog 4 episode 2, since it’s a sequel that improves upon its predecessor. It doesn’t say anything about it being a 2d/3d game. Read the news post, people.

  44. Or it could also be Sonic Chronicles 2. It’s just been specified as exciting so who knows?

  45. I’m really guessing SA3 and FYI I consider World Adventure and Rush Adventure part of the Adventure series in a different way..Maybe sonic colours could be up there with it but it has no adventure in the title..

    And Sonic Chronicles 2 with updated graphics on 3DS pls!
    Preferably Sonic Battle 3D too onegaishimasu!

  46. If it’s Adventure 3, Kate Higgins BETTER sing “Believe in Myself!” Tails is HER character, now!

  47. @monty:
    Uhh, Sonic Rush 2 has already been released ๐Ÿ˜› Sonic Rush Adventure.

    My bets on Sonic Unleashed 2 OR Sonic Heroes 2

  48. Here’s a weird brainstorming theory for you guys.

    If you combine the two rumors, the game being a sequel and also having old favorite levels from previous games remade. What kind of Sonic game, that was well received and loved by fans, could incorporate previously used levels in its story as well as its core mechanic without being considered weird or out of place and also be a sequel at the same time.

    What older Sonic game could do that, and still fit in with Sega’s new approach of concentrating on Sonic alone. Using game mechanics that fans have been happy with in the past.

    I thought, what about Sonic CD?

    Little Planet returns from its far flung orbit. Eggman got his hands on the time stones again, went back in time and has tried to change events that happened in previous Sonic games, and Sonic has to do his time travel thang again and revisit these old levels (remade of course) to right the wrongs and retrieve the time stones?

    It could have 2D levels ala Sonic 4’ish for any Mega Drive levels and 3D for any Dreamcast and newer Sonic game content. They could even have a nice 3D version of the “smash the UFO’s” special stages.

    Just a little wishful thinking for you to ponder ๐Ÿ˜€

  49. Not that I want it.. but I have a feeling and a chill down my spine that it’s Adventure 3… if all this hub-bub is true.
    BioWare as fantastic as they are, probably wouldn’t have anything to do with Sonic’s 20th – thats Chronicles 2 out
    Rush 3? If it’s a possibility, I don’t think we’ll see it on the regular DS, but a big title as Sonic’s 20th would have to be on the main 3 consoles.
    Shadow 2? Nope, it’s Sonic’s 20th
    StH06 part 2? I doubt they’d want to make a sequel to a game SEGA refuses to believe exists.

    I don’t have a counter argument towards Heroes 2, heck, I enjoyed the original, but a lot (most?) of people didn’t

  50. Wait, is it a sequel or a remake? If it’s a remake, I say it’ll probably be a reboot of Sonic 1. Otherwise, anyone else’s guess is as good as mine.

  51. @needsemail1 No. It’s not a remake, it’s a sequel.

    Like it or not, it is indeed Sonic Chronicles 2. It’s the only game that actually needs a sequel. Every other game listed does not. Plus Sonic Chronicles wasn’t that great of a game to begin with. So seeing improvements are instantaneous as stated by Scott diMonda.

  52. @sonicdudefan1996

    At the time he said that, the WereHog was getting a lot of positive feedback as a major point of the game, particularly with the Wii controls. A lot of people became fans of the WereHog even making YouTube accounts with usernames and profiles themed after the WereHog. The games was also heavily praised til later when some started having an even stronger “Half was good, half sucked” slogan going around (while even later others claimed both night and day sucked as it’s just “pressing a boost buttom the entire time”) I think this is an overused case of some fans complain and the rest follow. We’ve seen it in the voice war and the GREEN EYES war and etc etc. Just remember, in these wars, no one’s right or wrong. XD


    I don’t think they’d reboot Sonic 1 anyways with how significant it is. Not unless they just wanted to make Sonic 1 – S3&K as one full single story/cutscene-filled 3D version or something.


    Yeah… even if that games does get a sequel doesn’t mean it’s the game THIS is referring to. This is Sonic’s 20th anniversary. It’d have to be something BIG, not something half the fans liked and half didn’t that was on Nintendo DS and had totally different gameplay than any other game in the franchise.

    Also, it says “2D and 3D” referring to Sonic Colors gameplay (I don’t know why Radioactive Puppy said otherwise. XD).

    Lastly, when mentioning a sequel, in the “paragraph”, it doesn’t specific if this “sequel” is of the Sonic games he saw or merely a SEGA game.

    Also, you should claim something as fact just because it’s what you want to believe. XP

  53. @needsemail1

    I doubt they’d remake such a significant game.


    It’s possible the game would have a sequel, though it doesn’t necessarily mean this is referring to that specific game. It’s Sonic’s 20th! It’s gotta be big!

  54. @DashXFox
    I don’t see how it could be Sonic Chronicles becauseeee it never had a console release. People would’ve had to played it on the DS in order to understand it. But since this will be on mostly consoles “supposedly”, it won’t be a sequel to a DS game. Make sense? Furthermore, Sonic Chronicles would NOT be a 20th anniversary game because it’s so far from the Sonic formula. Sonic games aren’t RPG’s. With that said, I’m not completely sure what this game will be a sequel of, but I’d be pretty darn happy if this game is Sonic Adventure 3 ๐Ÿ™‚

  55. @Ax I don’t think the games all have to necessarily big. Sonic Anniversary is the only game that has to be big. I’m sure they want that game to shine the brightest. Sonic Chronicles 2 only adds to it. I’d put money on it. It’s going to be Sonic Chronicles 2. Nothing else.

  56. @ Ax – Sonic 4 has Rush gameplay not Classic. Sadly.

    @ Ryan………you mention all those games and not Sonic 4 lol

  57. @Blayke Sonic already has two console releases next year. Doesn’t need a third. Plus the DS is kind of left out isn’t it? Besides a likely Mario and Sonic game for it, it really doesn’t have much. So no. What you said does not make sense to me. Also it’s not rare to have Sonic games that drive away from the formula. Sonic’s done party games, sports, fighting, etc. Also it’s not weird to have such a game on his 20th. Sonic and Mario is a very good example. Therefore Sonic Chronicles is very well a possibility.

    I can see it however. It’s plain as day to me. The game that will be announced on Oct 22 will be Sonic Chronicles 2. Sonic has to improve his own formula, yes. That doesn’t stop something like another RPG from happening.

    Also, an unknown fact for ya. Scott diMonda did in fact say that he was stoked for this particular game he mentioned. I don’t believe he is a big Sonic fan either. It is true though that he prefers FPS and RPGs. The plot thickens.

  58. @DashXFox

    I don’t understand… which two console releases are set for next year? And why would a Sonic Anniversary game have a totally different gameplay formula? Sonic and Mario’s Olympic game had nothing to do with anniversary releases, so I don’t get where your going with this… Plus this said game was rumored to have levels from his past, and remade in 2D and 3D. So I don’t get how this would fit into an RPG game like Sonic Chronicles. Sonic Chronicles 2 doesn’t HAVE to be an Anniversary release, this can come at any time. And DS gets Sonic Colors too remember? That Scott diMonda fact is interesting but it’s not gonna be enough to change my opinion.

  59. I’m betting the untitled game that is being shown on Oct. 22 is either…

    -Sonic Rivals 3 (least likely)
    -Sonic Chronicles 2 (Most likely)
    -Sonic Heroes 2

    Evidence supports that its a “SEQUEL”.
    Sonic 4 EP 2, won’t be announced/shown for a while…
    Dimps just finished Sonic Colors for DS (and its based on Rush, so Rush 3 is out of the question).
    Bioware is found out to be working on an “unannouced handheld title”..

    Plus that statement Mike Hayes had mentioning a “Sonic Heroes esque game”.

    Sonic Rivals hasn’t been heard from in a while but some argue it needs a sequel and hasn’t had one in a while…

  60. Look… I’m not doubting that Sonic Chronicles 2 will be made or is in production. All I’m saying is that it will not be the next anniversary game. None of the evidence of this new anniversary game points to Sonic Chronicles other than it will be a sequel to an existing series. Just like how the next Mario and Sonic game will be released next year, so could the next Sonic Chronicles game.

  61. if SEGA gonna make one i really hope it’s Sonic Heroes 2 ,BUT!! they really need to make the team work in the game better than the prequel because all is what to do is to switch to power formation all the f***ing game . it’s a great sonic i have to say it ,but it was suck in some places.

    Knuckles Chaotix 2 really seems a better idea than Sonic Heroes though , i mean we have a lot of sonic titles already & already looking awesome so Sonic should step a side for a while & prepare to his anniversary people , to be honest with you guys ,tails should make An apperance as a playable character in Chaotix 2 & with some improvement gameplay style not flying for five seconds & fall off tired & the whole cut scenes flying non stoping . really, tails is the third character when he appears in Sonic 2 ,they should give him a chance.

    i don’t know about you guys but Tails has not be playable since Sonic 2006 , give the boy a chance. ๐Ÿ™‚

  62. @Blayke To say none of this evidence points to Sonic Chronicles being released on the 20th Anniversary is being ignorant.

    Sonic Chronicles came out in 2008. It had a cliffhanger ending that directly told the player that the story is to be continued. After the release, it was announced that Sonic Chronicles 2’s script was already in the progress of writing. 2 years later. Scott diMonda posts about a new Sonic game that apparently is a sequel. He states the improvement he noticed was instantaneous. This also could refer to Sonic Chronicles because it was a very rough game. To notice an improvement in the sequel for this particular game is simple. Also, diMonda has stated in his profile that he does enjoy RPGs. Though he doesn’t seem to be a big Sonic fan. Therefore a Sonic RPG (Sonic Chronicles 2) would be the only Sonic game he would describe as being “particularly stoked” for. There’s even evidence on Bioware’s side. They have an unannounced handheld game in the works. This being reported last month!

    You’ll see that I’m right.

  63. @DashXFox (first) – Uhh no, that doesn’t work. XD The 20th anniversary game is what we’re TALKING about. XD I just said that it’s possible for Chronicles 2 to someday exist, but it’s not likely to be the 20th anniversary game. I’m confused as to why you sound like you agree with me… and disagree with me at the same time. o_O

    @SonicSALES – UHh, look again. Sonic 4 has classic gameplay. Which makes sense considering it’s a continuation of the classics. It’s closer to Sonic Advance than it is to Sonic Rush but it’s the style of the classics. You should keep updated on Sonic 4. lol

    @DashXFox (second) – Just because it has 2 console releases doesn’t mean it can’t have a third. XD Also, if you’re referring to Sonic Free Riders and Sonic Colors… that’s this year.. not next year. =) Also, what Blayke’s saying is this is the 20th anniversary Sonic game.. so it’s probably going to focus more on the main style of Sonic, not some side-game style.

    @ALSAGR – Knuckles Chaotix 2?? Maybe on Knuckles’ 20th Anniversary… if they ever do that. Heck, what makes people think the next Knuckles game has to be “Chaotix” anyways? (And besides Mean Bean Machine, don’t all the spin off games lack in quality?)

  64. @DashXFox (first) – Uhh no, that doesn’t work. XD The 20th anniversary game is what we’re TALKING about. XD I just said that it’s possible for Chronicles 2 to someday exist, but it’s not likely to be the 20th anniversary game. I’m confused as to why you sound like you agree with me… and disagree with me at the same time. o_O

    @SonicSALES – UHh, look again. Sonic 4 has classic gameplay. Which makes sense considering it’s a continuation of the classics. It’s closer to Sonic Advance than it is to Sonic Rush but it’s the style of the classics. You should keep updated on Sonic 4. lol

    @DashXFox (second) – Just because it has 2 console releases doesn’t mean it can’t have a third. XD Also, if you’re referring to Sonic Free Riders and Sonic Colors… that’s this year.. not next year. =) Also, what Blayke’s saying is this is the 20th anniversary Sonic game.. so it’s probably going to focus more on the main style of Sonic, not some side-game style.

    @ALSAGR – Knuckles Chaotix 2?? …Maybe on Knuckles’ 20th Anniversary… if it ever comes to that. (What makes people thing Knuckles’ next game would have to be “Chaotix” anyways?) And don’t all the spin-offs except for Mean Bean Machine lack in quality anyways? lol

  65. You seem to be missing something. I told you, I never doubted that Sonic Chronicles will be releasing next year. Everything you’ve posted seems to point to that very well. HOWEVER, Scott diMonda never said himself this new sonic game was the official “big project” Sonic Anniversary game. He even said with Sega’s lineup next year there is plenty of Sonic to go around, which implies there is more than one game of Sonic being released. Sonic Chronicles 2 is most likely one of them, but not “the” Sonic Anniversary game, it just happens to be releasing on the same year.

    Actually, I just read through your previous posts and all this time you were just referring to the game he was revealing on the 22nd… whoops. Yeah, ok the game he’s revealing on the 22nd will probably be Sonic Chronicles 2, my mind was just set on the actual Sonic Anniversary game itself, and I thought you were trying to imply that SC2 was that. But I guess you weren’t, so I apologize. :/ Fun debate though! ๐Ÿ˜›

  66. Personally.. I’m baffled that suddenly people really want a Sonic Heroes 2. o.o Isn’t Sonic Heroes the beginning of the era that brought Sonic downhill?

    Think about it! It was a dramatic change from SA2 to Sonic Heroes!

    Went from Sonic-styled cartoony but “believable” to Looney-Cartoony!

    It went from what people liked as voice acting to what was over-the-top acting that inspired the 4kids portrayals of the characters that actually sound very similar to Sonic Heroes clips if you compare fairly (not that I complained about them, but it only caused a stupid VOICE war for 2 years).

    It went from plot to no plot at all!

    It went from an okay amount of characters to TWELVE FREAKIN CHARACTERS!

    It went from each character having an individual story and having unique levels and gameplay… to having each story going down the exact same amount of the exact same levels in the exact same order (and they even bunched 3 characters in each story) making at LEAST 9 characters completely pointless to the game!

    It went from Robotnik at least still being a bit epic to suddenly being a coward clown who obviously got betrayed for the THIRD TIME IN A ROW (By his own robot no less…) and wasn’t even in the slightest bit the main villain.

    It went from from being colorful and balanced to being McDonalds-Land worthy of an epilepsy warning due to the tacky combination of bright colors!

    Yo.. the list goes on and on. XD I like the game.. kinda. HAve a hard time playing it again after the first time cuz there isn’t much to do… but I like it kinda. I just didn’t expect it to be in such demand over a few other things. XDD

  67. There’s one thing you’re all missing…

    This doesn’t mean it’s NOT a Sonic game he’s referring to.. but AGAIN, he never specified that the sequel game was Sonic-related at all. ๐Ÿ˜€ lol

  68. Yeah… I thought the same thing. I thought SA2 was wayyyy better than Sonic Heroes. I was compelled to finish SA2 but I just got plain frustrated with Heroes and I quit. lol.

  69. @Ax You failed to notice I was only talking about what was to be revealed on the 22nd. Not Sonic Anniversary.

    @Blayke I was starting to get the feeling that you were talking about the Sonic Anniversary game and not that Sonic Chronicles 2 couldn’t be announced on the 22nd. We had a miscommunication.

    On the subject of Sonic Anniversary, I already knew it was a remix of old levels with the Hedgehog engine. I can see why you would raise an argument if I were to say that it was SC2. Nice debating with you too. =P

  70. @SonicSALES: Your comment makes me believe that you’ve never even played a Rush title before. SONIC COLORS for the Nintendo DS plays like a Sonic Rush game much more then Sonic 4 cause Sonic 4 actually has platforming and there’s no boost bar so YOU CANT BOOST TO WIN.

  71. @SonicSALES

    Have you slept under a rock for the past few months? It’s been delayed, remember? And it’s already out for iPhone and Wii. so chill out. Believe it or not, i TRUST Sega will make this a great game. The physics ARE not perfect, put that doesn’t mean it’s way off. Sonic Rush (as I quote from Nintendo Power) “Is a side-scrolling platformer roller-coaster ride”. Sonic 4 has “the occasional roller-coaster for finishing a tough platforming challenge”. So don’t go saying Sonic 4 is just like Rush.
    That said, the only complaints Nintendo Power had were that “the physics are a bit off, the music isn’t as catchy, and it lacks the charm of Sonic’s pot-bellied days”. So rest easy, pals.

  72. This gonna be Sonic Adventure 3!
    The playable characters will be:
    Now the stages will be like 14.
    It better be have hub worlds like Sonic Adventure 1-2, ’06 and Unleashed.
    and many more.

  73. Another “Mario & Sonic Collaboration”?! Even though Mario was the reason SEGA came up with their mascot idea Sonic the Hedgehog, why should Mario get in any of this 20th Anniversary sure it would be cool though, I’m kind not so looking forward. Unless its like a an olyimpic tittle than thats something else I can deal with. Just my opinions. . .

  74. @Ryan No. It’s not gonna be Sonic Adventure 3. That doesn’t even make any sense. The game that’s to be announced on the 22nd is Sonic Chronicles 2.

  75. The gameplay is nothing like Sonic Rush! The people who is comparing it to Sonic Rush probably has never even played a Sonic Rush game before.

  76. Ok, so I’m just going to go out of the loop and say it’s…SONIC DRIFT 3!! (…hope not)

  77. Dear Sega,

    Please stop making so many sonic games at one time, you’re making me go insane with excitement

    From Hook131

    P.S Thanks for leaving time between the aAmerican Release of Sonic 4 on Wii-Ware, when I found out i didn’t have a Wii points card today I was like “OMG” then I found out I lived in U.K so all is well.

  78. I really hope Sonic Chronicles 2 will have better music, models and battles and backgrounds.
    More characters!
    and more!

    Sonic and Amy would be more each other,
    Eggman will be more evil.
    Metal Sonic would be make a boss battle.
    Knuckles and Shade would be closer for friendship.
    No more stupid music, just better music from Sonic games.
    Make better sound effects from Sonic games.
    and many more!

  79. @DashXFox – No, I noticed when Blayke LaRue mentioned it. lol (But it’s easy to be mislead when everyone’s focussed on the 20th anniversary game and you respond to them regarding Sonic Chronicles 2 for Oct 22nd… like you did with Ryan. XP lol)

    @sonicfan1984 – Or hasn’t been keeping themselves updated on Sonic 4. lol (Wonder if he even knows it’s already out on iPhone and Wiiware ._.)

    You people are all stOOpid! It’s OBVIOUSLY going to be Sonic R 2!!!!! XD LOL jk

  80. If it ends up being Sonic Chronicles 2, I’ll be sorely disappointed. I reeeaaallly didn’t like the first one. But I know a lot of other people liked that game, so I guess it’s good for them.

    I could think real hard trying to figure out what the sequel will be, but I’d rather not worry about it and just wait a week and a half to find out.

  81. i love them to include some of beta levels, for example:

    Hidden Palace Zone(sonic 2)
    Wood Zone
    Dust Hill Zone

    some other favorites of mine are:
    Crystal Egg Zone
    Gimmick Mt. Zone
    Mecha Green Hill Zone
    Hidden Palace(Sonic 3 & Knuckles)
    Sky Sanctuary Zone

  82. i wonder if they mean with “remaking old levels” only old 2D levels.. it would be cool seeing some of the 3D levels remade too.. such as city escape just for an example.

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