Probably the Best Sonic 4 Tokyo Contest Entry So Far…

Probably the Best Sonic 4 Tokyo Contest Entry So Far…


OK, so while I’m still piecing together my entry for this SEGA Sonic 4 Tokyo contest, I’ve been keeping a keen eye on youtube to see what my competition is like. I hadn’t seen any entries that particularly stood out, but there again, I am expecting the best entries to appear closer to the deadline. Then I saw this. missbluesonicspeed has put together a charming little video entailing her years of Sonic memories and dedication to Sonic, as well as going out and spreading the word via the means of Chaos Emerald cupcakes.

If this doesn’t make the US top 10 entries I will be very, very surprised. Good luck to you!

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. Gotta love her for her dedication! Wishing her the best of luck! Better start learning some Japanese! 😀

    – Indigo

  2. Nice! I’m sad to say that I only became a Sonic fan when I was six… But that’s because I never really saw him before. Anyways, I wish her the best of luck!

  3. I swear a worldwide contest would’ve made the entries whole lot more epic 🙁

  4. Excellent entry. She is one true blue Sonic fan.

    Only thing, SatAm premiered in ’93 not ’95.

  5. So, just to clarify, it is okay to use game music/videos from Sonic games as long as we cite them? I want to make sure my video is ‘legal’.

  6. Okey okey, you win, you win,dont splat me that in my face jajajajaja.
    Anyway, im Chilean, so i am screw anyway, be a sonic fan for 20 years isnt works, cause this entry is only for USA, very nice SEGA.

  7. @ crap:
    SEGA already explained, they tried to open the contest worldwide but laws in countries outside of the UK and U.S. stopped it from happening.

  8. God, I feel like a really lousy Sonic Fan. I found out about him when I was like, 5…. But this person just took being a sonic fan to the extreme. Awesome video,and I hope she ends up being in the top 10 at least.

  9. You guys think this is good. Wait till you see what I have in store when I release my entry later this week. A preview of mine would beat this no doubt.

    [‘Dems fightin’ words! – let us know when you’re done and we’ll see if it’s good enough to feature here on the front page! – T]

  10. WOW. I’m 19 and have been a fan of Sonic since I could walk. This video really made me happy. I hope she wins.

  11. If this doesn’t win, SEGA’s officially lost it.

    Now I just gotta top this….

  12. Hey, what are my all my Sonic plushies doing in this video? Heh heh, just kidding. Although I just happen to have some of the same plushies (classic Sonic and Tails, as well as Shadow) in my room. I used to have a Pikachu plushie just like the one in the video, too. One of the t-shirts, as well. Coincidence, I’m sure.

  13. Wow…I feel like absolute ASS of a fan compared to her. But I hope she wins; holy crap.

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