Classic Sonic Photoshopped Into “Sonic 4” Logo [Updated]

Classic Sonic Photoshopped Into “Sonic 4” Logo [Updated]

UPDATE: Retro member Chimp has fixed the giant hand.

The hot topics of “Sonic 4” so far have been the running animation and the use of modern Sonic.  SEGA has addressed the former.  One fan has fixed the latter (at least in the head department).

Imagine the sheer amount of additional hype if this Sonic appeared in the trailer.  This image has made my day.

With the Sonic community, myself included, in a tizzy over 3-seconds of footage, the use of “modern” Sonic has been a point of contention amongst fans.  Why, look at that… there’s already a petition to get classic Sonic in the game.  Online petitions don’t work, silly kids, but I like where your head is at.

SEGA, please take notice.

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Slingerland is a staff writer and editor for both The Sonic Stadium and Sonic Retro. His area of emphasis is the inner-workings of the games and laughing at everything.


  1. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to actually actively MAKE Sega recognize this?

    Like, I don’t know, post it all over their blog, e-mail it to them in masses, etc.?

  2. He’s still on the thin side. Classic Sonic’s body was super round. His Nose also needs to be a bigger oval… but I really really like how it looks now.

    That said, I am a firm supporter of the modern Sonic design. But considering the rage storm this is generatin and the suprising amount of interaction between Sega and the fans, I will be shocked if Classic Sonic is not in the final product.

  3. Great image. I’m amazed at how much talent the Sonic fanbase has, especially with the Sonic 2 HD project.

    Anyhow, this title is proof that Sonic 4 can be 3D, modern and STILL harken back to the classic days of Sonic. But it’s too bad the SEGA of today
    has no idea how to go about making the title they are hyping up and IMHO, setting up for a disaster.

  4. I used to like both versions of Sonic equally, but things like this just made me despise classic Sonic…

  5. Just as I was adapting to the modern model, you go and post this. Dammit, I want THIS!!! This is the exact reason people are complaining about the green eyed model. THIS is the Sonic that should be in Sonic 4. I think I just died a little inside 🙁

  6. Now thats what I call “back to his roots”
    Way better.. way way way way way better.
    I was hoping for something exactly like this, the black eyes rule over the green.

  7. Wouldn’t it be good if please really DIDN’T have to complain about the fact that there is NO classic Sonic in this game? I mean common, isn’t this just a lil redundant? It’s just the non-retro character design!

  8. And this was made by a person who OVERREACTED to the first (technically second) trailer of Sonic 4, just to get a one quick one out at night.

  9. Fuckin’ Kuta made this? Heh, I don’t really care for the guy but he sure made a great image.

    His rant is pretty funny to watch, too. Thanks for the morning entertainment, Kyle.

  10. Sonic fans are so incredibly whiny, my gosh. >.>;

    Y’know what I think would be cool? If “Classic” Sonic was an unlockable skin of sorts after you beat the game or vice-versa if they change the model to said “Classic” Sonic.

  11. If SEGA used the Classic Sonic in Sonic 4, then half the fans would buy it and half the fans wouldn’t, the same if they used the new Sonic. If classic Sonic replaces new Sonic, then my decision to actually buy the game will most certainly need to be re-evaluated.

  12. Heh. This would be nice if it hadn’t been the product of two days of a grown ass man griping over GREEN eyes from 10 seconds of gameplay of a game not yet releashed.

    Along with this he’s also called newer fans ignorant, advocated a worhtless petition over aforementioned aesthetics. Yup. Let’s celebrate this great piece of work.

  13. @KittyNakajima

    And Diaper Fetish, don’t forget about the grown ass man’s Diaper Fetish.

  14. Why does who created it have any bearing on whether it’s good or not? Yikes, that’s superficial.

  15. That is freakin’ awesome XD That really made my day even though he photoshopped it. Still very cool! I’m not complaining about Sonic games and Sonic 4 and neither will you Sonic fans whiners. You don’t call yourself a true Sonic fan if you’re sitting here whining and complaining about a Sonic game that not even out yet.

  16. Uh well apart from the fact that his hands are… Get this, EVEN BIGGER because of the misproportioned model size.

    Shit is cash

  17. I wonder if Mario fans would complain like this if they made an 8-bit style Mario platformer today…

    Fan 1: Those idiots at Nintendo! Mario should be wearing red overalls and a blue shirt just like in the arcade version of Mario Bros, not blue overalls and a red shirt!
    Fan 2: You’re wrong. Since this is a platformer, Mario should wear his brown shirt and red overalls like he did in Super Mario Bros!

  18. Well, I was referred to this particular article this morning and was reluctant to even show my face after the controversy I sparked with my youtube videos. First off, I appreciate the acknowledgment of the logo I modified, but it wasn’t as easy as people assume. It wasnt just a simple cut and paste, cause I had to scale down the larger Sonic model and trim him down a bit. Then I used the head from the modified Sonic Retro model and I reconstructed the circular portion of the emblem to fit around his new body. The recent trailer ignited this sudden motivation in me cause Im just a passionate Sonic fan who expresses deep concern for the state of this franchise. Although my rant sorda crossed the line, I shouldve stated that it was opinion instead of berating everyone who didnt agree. That was wrong, and I apologize. However, I do agree with Brad Flick’s recent article since my main grip was exactly how he quoted it.

    ““Modern” Sonic’s appearance hit me the hardest. SEGA had lied to us.”

    In my latest video, I ponder if Sonic 4 is Sega’s attempt to unite the fan base both young and old as a compromise. Even if it is, I still feel that Sega mislead us older fans by using the classic Sonic design on their forum skins, trailer, and hedgehog day flash. So at this point, I think all we can do is just wait and see what information will trickle out during the course of this year. People think I hold a grudge against the game play and graphics which is completely inaccurate. As this was marketed to be Sonic 4, I did not expect to see the Next Gen Sonic in this series considering that it takes place in the past which raises continuity errors. Anyway, Im certain people like the logo, but most of the credit goes to Sonic Retro for making that awesome redesign of 3D Sonic.

  19. “I wonder if Mario fans would complain like this if they made an 8-bit style Mario platformer today…”

    They did… Super Mario Bros Wii. And no, nobody complained. But it’s apples and oranges, really.

    “Uh well apart from the fact that his hands are… Get this, EVEN BIGGER because of the misproportioned model size.”

    Well, part of it is the perspective, but yeah, they are a bit large.

  20. Well, I was referred to this particular article this morning and was reluctant to even show my face after the controversy I sparked with my youtube videos. First off, I appreciate the acknowledgment of the logo I modified, but it wasn’t as easy as people assume. It wasnt just a simple cut and paste, cause I had to scale down the larger Sonic model and trim him down a bit. Then I used the head from the modified Sonic Retro model and I reconstructed the circular portion of the emblem to fit around his new body. The recent trailer ignited this sudden motivation in me cause Im just a passionate Sonic fan who expresses deep concern for the state of this franchise. Although my rant sorda crossed the line, I shouldve stated that it was my opinion instead of berating everyone who didnt agree. That was wrong, and I apologize. However, I do agree with Brad Flick’s recent article since my main gripe was exactly how he quoted it.

    ““Modern” Sonic’s appearance hit me the hardest. SEGA had lied to us.”

    In my latest video, I ponder if Sonic 4 is Sega’s attempt to unite the fan base both young and old as a compromise. Even if it is, I still feel that Sega mislead us older fans by using the classic Sonic design on their forum skins, trailer, and hedgehog day flash. So at this point, I think all we can do is just wait and see what information will trickle out during the course of this year. People think I hold a grudge against the game play and graphics which is completely inaccurate. As this was marketed to be Sonic 4, I did not expect to see the Next Gen Sonic in this series considering that it takes place in the past which raises continuity errors. Anyway, Im glad people like the logo, but most of the credit goes to Sonic Retro for making that awesome redesign of 3D Sonic.

  21. “You’re not a classic Sonic fan if you like green eyed Sonic” seems to be the general theme here, and that alone insults me. Freaking out, especially to this degree, over a fictional animal because the people who created him and control everything about him made his eyes change color is quite possibly the most retarded thing I’ve ever heard. Grow up and accept what you cant change.

  22. Quite frankly, my dear, I don’t give a darn as to which ‘Sonic’ is used in the game… And neither should you guys.

  23. I really don’t care about eye color. Although I think people who call the classic design “fat” are stupid. In this picture you can obviously tell he is not fat, plus I think he looks cooler without a head that’s bigger than his body.

  24. @PorpoiseMuffins

    Watch that video from Kyle above. Voicing opinions is fine, but grabbing your head and pulling your hair out IS freaking out, however you want to dress it up

  25. It looks nice, but I like the modern design too so I don’t care either way. Why are people getting so worked up about a few small design changes?..

  26. Looks terrible. I’d love to see a classic Sonic costume as an unlockable, but this logo is a catastrophe.

  27. Ah PorpoiseMuffins, AKR’s noble protector. Btw, the first video I linked was just a mirror of AKR’s ridiculous rant. You consider that normal acceptable for an “adult” in his late 20s? (Btw, for those who haven’t watched it yet, spoiler, he “QUITS” the franchise once again) GASP

    And to AKR, I think its extremely amusing how you still think there’s a possibility that SEGA will pick up your fan movie and make it official. Disregarding the fact that they aren’t interested, I’m sure they will want to make the movie of a guy who DOES NOTHING BUT BITCH about them, and make up ridiculous conspiracy theories.

  28. Actually I have, thats why I said that. (I lurk there a couple times a month) Although in truth, you are just doing a good deed. If AKR didn’t have your forum as a safe haven for his ridiculous *opinions he would probably kill himself.

    *Opinions that he states as the absolute truth and fact.

  29. Look, it’s not a “safe haven.” We just have a moderator staff that doesn’t get its kicks out of acting like middle school children on a playground power trip. Even at that, he’s gotten himself banned once already.

    And again, I didn’t watch the videos and don’t care to. The only thing I’m interested in protecting are the principles of rationality.

  30. Cut the whining! New Sonic looks fine! I bet if he was running at full speed in the trailer with the ‘wheel’ or super peel out running animation you would all shut up.

    Sure I like classic Sonic’s design, but I also like the new design. By the way, the design that they choose does not determine his character/personality in this game. So please just stop complaining, it’s the gameplay that counts.

  31. “Look, it’s not a “safe haven.” We just have a moderator staff that doesn’t get its kicks out of acting like middle school children on a playground power trip.”

    I respectively disagree. (At least when it comes to AKR)

    “And again, I didn’t watch the videos and don’t care to.”

    Fair enough, but if you are going to lecture others for criticizing AKR’s behavior, shouldn’t you at least watch the video that people are laughing at him for?

    “Even at that, he’s gotten himself banned once already.”

    I bet your forums were pretty peaceful during that ban.

  32. “Fair enough, but if you are going to lecture others for criticizing AKR’s behavior, shouldn’t you at least watch the video that people are laughing at him for?”

    No, because my comment had absolutely nothing to do with him.

  33. Ugh, I hate how all these classic fans are acting like including modern Sonic was an objectively bad move. Honestly, there are a lot of people who prefer him (including me). I like classic Sonic as much as the next guy, but acting like “OMG MODERN SONIC IS WRONG, YOU MUST FIX HIM!!11!!11” is just plain ignorant. I’m not saying it’s wrong to prefer the classic style, but acting like it is objectively better than the modern style is, yet again, plain ignorant. I’m actually starting to like classic Sonic less and less because of all this, since he has basically become the symbol for elititism.

    That being said, I hope they keep his modern design.

  34. T_T Jeez people cant we all just get our heads in check?

    Sonic the Hedgehog 4 is coming our way whether you few haters like it or not

    yes Sonic 4 has modern sonic, big deal
    yes sega might consider classic sonic as a character, Id enjoy it
    yes theyre having old badniks & similar looking levels in the game. they were fun in the past and they’ll be fun now
    yes sonic actually grew up & developed green eyes and lost weigh during puberty (lol)

    Just be grateful that sega started up this legendary series again!

  35. If SEGA has given Sonic green eyes, it could mean that they are saying Sonic has some Celtic blood,
    green eyes are the rarest eye colour in the world population and if you have a bit of green in yours,
    you’ll likely have some Celtic blood,
    Sonic probably had very dark haze eyes with a hint of green in the 90’s and matured with more of a green hue as he relised he has Scottish ancestry/blood, lol
    or maybe partly another Celtic part

  36. @PorpoiseMuffins

    So if I understand your logic correctly,

    Its ok to bitch about trivial things about a game that has only had 5 seconds of in-game footage shown. However, bitching about the people who are making the trivial complaints is not ok? (OMG GREEN EYES)

    I’m sorry, but thats NO GOOD.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinions, regardless of how stupid and trivial they are. However, if you can’t handle having your opinions questioned, disagreed with, or mocked. Then its usually best to just remain silent. Also its your body, no one has the right to touch you in a way or in a place that makes you feel uncomfortable.

  37. Kyle,

    From the sound of your last post, it seems as though you “can’t handle having your opinions questioned, disagreed with, or mocked” either.

    You’re just arguing in circles. Of course everyone is “entitled to their opinions,” and my OPINION is that the ‘backlash against the backlash’ is annoying. If your logic were true, then you would be just as guilty of not being able to handle my opinion as you claim I am of not being able to handle someone else’s.

    All I was trying to do is point out that the frustration goes both ways; there are people on both sides being irrational and over the top. At this point I find the whole situation pretty humorous (hence the smiley face), so don’t get too worked up over it.

  38. “Can’t we all just be broniks?”

    Please let this reply be the last reply regarding the complaining about the complaining with the complaining, because I already forgot what we were complaining about. 😛

  39. Sonic 4 check list

    Classic looking backgrounds [X]….Check

    Classic 2-D style look [X]….Check

    Classic sound effects [X]….Check

    Classic Sonic [ ]….Error Error Error….NOT FOUND!

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