Sonic Relief 2010 – Dates And More Details Revealed

Sonic Relief 2010 – Dates And More Details Revealed

Sonic Relief 2010 logo

Myself and MK Skillz have had some more discussions about 2010’s Sonic Relief campaign and we have some more details and dates to reveal.

MK Skillz has issued the below press release:

“Sonic Relief 2010 is right around the corner, folks – this second Sonic fundraising drive will kick off on Monday 18th January and run up to Sunday 21st March, the final day of Sport Relief Weekend.

We also have a few more announcements regarding the running of the campaign:

The theme for the art/music/video/etc submissions this time around will be “something sporty”, as we’re raising money for Sport Relief. That’s not to say you can’t make it humorous too, as long as it has some relevance to the charity we’re fundraising for.

There is one fundamental change to this system this time though – due to the good ol’ recession, we won’t be able to do what we did last year whereby a certain amount of money was donated for every submission. Instead, this time we ask if the people submitting could make a small donation along with their submission (only £1 or so will do!). I know that may seem a bit cheeky, but it’s for a good cause – and there’s something in it for you, too! Each paid submission will be entered into the contest for Best Sonic Relief Submission 2010, and our favourite(s) will win a prize!

In addition to this, Sonic Relief 2010 will utilise JustGiving, a system which allows anyone to make a donation (of however much they wish) to our cause, and the money will go straight to Sport Relief. This enables you to do whatever you like to raise money for Sonic Relief – make a calendar, have a Day in Blue, participate in a fun run… literally anything! Raise some cash and then pass it on to us via JustGiving!

That’s the basic premise for next year’s campaign. We hope you can take part as it promises to be even more successful than Sonic Relief 2009!

More details will be announced nearer the time, but for now if you have any questions regarding Sonic Relief please do not hesitate to contact me or Shadzter via PM at the SSMB, the SSMB topic or send an e-mail to

Don’t forget to join the official Sonic Relief Facebook group and follow @SonicReliefUK on Twitter!

Or something along those lines anyway 😛

MK Skillz
Sonic Relief Founder”

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