We’re back and ready to Twitch!
UPDATE: This week’s Winter Wonderworld did air, but the other streams will be cancelled this week due to illness. We will update you when we are ready to continue our regular Twitch schedule again!
There’s a couple of schedule changes compared to last year. First, the weekday episode of Almost Every Sonic has moved to Thursdays, and Winter Wonderworld has moved to Tuesdays in its place.
Second, I wanted to cover some games that we just don’t give much attention to, and so I’m trying out a new pilot series, Morning Mobile, exclusively for the modern Sonic mobile games such as Sonic Dash, Sonic Forces: Speed Battle, Sonic Runners Revival, and others. It doesn’t have a set schedule, but we’ll do it periodically as we are able on weekday mornings.
Check out these and all our streams over at twitch.tv/sonicstadium!

Whenever We Can (Weekdays)
Morning Mobile
We’re trying out a new series! Join us while we greet the morning and grind our dailies!

Tue. Jan. 25
4 PM PST 7 PM EST 12 AM GMT (Wed)
Winter Wonderworld
We’re playing Balan Wonderworld to completion.
New year, same old cry for help.

Thur. Jan. 27
4 PM PST 7 PM EST 12 AM GMT (Fri)
Almost Every Sonic – Sonic at the Olympic Games 2020 (Mobile)
GX attempts (and fails) to play every official Sonic game, no matter how obscure.

Fri. Jan. 28
4 PM PST 7 PM EST 12 AM GMT (Sat)
SegaSonic Radio
Sonic Stadium’s weekly Sonic music show!
Love Sonic music? Love SegaSonic Radio!

Sun. Jan. 30
4 PM PST 7 PM EST 12 AM GMT (Sat)
Sonic Talk Podcast
Nuckles, Shigs, and GX discuss the Sonic news of the month!
Is Ringo Starr going to take over the Stream
No, but Ringo the Puyo character will be.