SEGA Teases Sonic Colours Ultimate News for E3 2021

We expected SEGA to show little more detail of Sonic Colours Ultimate remaster at E3 2021, after the company formally announced the game late last month. Turns out we were right, as today reps from the Sonic Pillar suggested that further news was to come over the coming week.

During the latest episode of ‘Sonic Official’, the official Sonic the Hedgehog podcast, SEGA America’s Katie Chrzanowski said that Sonic Colours Ultimate “may be” featured at the E3 2021 digital event, which formally kicks off this weekend. “I would tune in,” she added.

Further details weren’t shared, nor the format in which any potential news would occur. It’s possible that a future SEGA livestream may include gameplay footage of the game (as Katie further hinted at in a previous comment, around the 54:30 mark), or it could mean that the game will feature in an upcoming digital conference such as next Tuesday’s E3 Nintendo Direct.

We’ll keep an eye out and let you know. In the meantime, check out the full episode of the podcast below – skip to the 56:00 mark to hear the ominous Sonic Colours Ultimate comments for yourself.

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. It would be nice to see something new in regards to Sonic Colors Ultimate so I would be tuning in for that (It would be nice to see some Sonic 2022 a.k.a. “Sonic Rangers” but I won’t complain 🙂 )

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