Sonic Colours Ultimate to Have Enhanced Visuals, Rival Rush Mode, New Wisp, Character Costumes

Sonic Colors Ultimate just got a massive info dump thanks to a SEGA press release, which revealed some features and elaborated on others.

Anyone who’s been dissecting the trailer knows the visuals are different. Generally, fast cutting game trailers compressed for livestreams and Youtube don’t offer the most accurate visuals, but according to SEGA, the game will have enhanced visuals and graphics, as well as refined controls and “game play upgrades.” It also looks like Sonic will have different costumes to wear, as some were showcased in the trailer itself.

The game also includes a new wisp, “Jade Ghost,” first scene in Team Sonic Racing and a central part of the upcoming Sonic Colors animated short. This new wisp will allow Sonic to pass through solid objects to find new paths.

Finally, there is a new mode called “Rival Rush,” which will have you racing against Metal Sonic. This mode will be unused to “unlock rewards,” though what exactly those rewards are is currently unknown.

More information about Colors Ultimate is still coming out. Stay tuned to Sonic Stadium for all the latest!

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. Interesting stuff. I doubt there’s enough here to warrant double dipping, but I’ll keep my eye on these changes nonetheless!

    1. It would be pretty funny and soul crushing if by “game play upgrades” they mean porting the game to the Forces engine.

  2. I’ll be double dipping myself but can understand why some don’t want to. I’m grateful to have an updated version on current hardware, but what’s great about this is Colors will finally get some more exposure it deserves to a wider audience instead of being stuck on Wii or Dolphin.

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